How Businesses Can Benefit from Buying Restored Boilers

How Businesses Can Benefit from Buying Restored Boilers

Maintaining a profitable company can be difficult with high competition and a sluggish economy. Therefore, many manufacturers are using alternative approaches to cutting costs and increasing revenue. Keep reading to learn how businesses can benefit from buying restored boilers.

How Businesses Can Benefit from Buying Restored Boilers

Equipment Costs

Manufacturing companies generally have a very slim profit margin. This is because the aggregated costs of manufacturing and transportation is almost equal to incoming revenue. Therefore, manufacturing companies will need to stay within their maintenance budget in order to stay profitable. According to Entrepreneur magazine, buying refurbished equipment will save 30 to 50 percent of the selling price for new equipment. Entrepreneur magazine also recommends that manufacturers ask detailed questions about how the equipment was specifically refurbished in order to ensure the right quality.

Preventative Maintenance

Downtime in a manufacturing facility can cost thousands of dollars a minute. This is even truer for machines or large pieces of equipment that must be ordered or customized. The best time to replace equipment is at the industry recommended time before the equipment’s product cycle lifetime. Preventative maintenance will save money in the long run through eliminating unexpected service calls and emergency equipment replacements.

Reduced Energy Costs

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the industrial sector consumes almost 16 trillion BTU’s a year. Energy costs are one of the pricier items that manufacturers must pay for every month. Therefore, manufacturers can save money by using an energy efficient, restored boiler. In addition to this, manufacturers can also save on energy costs through establishing a cooperative energy usage schedule with their utility provider.

The Price of Newer Models

Sometimes manufacturers rely on older machines and equipment systems that aren’t entirely compatible with newer boiler models. Therefore, manufacturers can extend the life of their existing system by using restored industrial boilers from places like Nationwide Boiler. Otherwise, an entire system upgrade might be necessary in order to continue proper manufacturing functionality.


Newer equipment means employees must be properly trained. This will cost time and money. Newer advanced boiler models might require the services of third-party technicians. However, maintenance employees can ensure peak manufacturing performance by using familiar equipment. This is because they will understand the restored boiler’s nuances and tricks to great performance.

Overall, there are definite advantages to buying a restored boiler. Doing so will save on energy, equipment and preventative maintenance costs. It will also reduce the likelihood of being forced to upgrade other pieces of equipment. Finally, it will reduce training costs and ensure high performance.