Boost Your New Business With SEO

Boost Your New Business With SEO

You’ve started your new business, and you have a plan. You’ve got an office, an attractive website, a logo, and, of course, a product or a service that’s unique – and you always provide your clients with excellent customer service. However, you find yourself spending hours staring at the traffic on your website and waiting for emails or calls. Why is business so slow right now? Why aren’t people aware of you? After all, you’ve spent hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars on signs, brochures, and online ads!

Boost Your New Business With SEO

Get More Hits From Searches

What could be holding your business back is the lack of times you appear in search engine results. This is because marketing is so prevalent in today’s society that many of the current advertising methods don’t work as well as they used to. Consumers are inundated with flashing ads, commercials and logos at every turn – even while watching their favourite television shows. As a result, seventy to eighty percent of consumers actually ignore internet advertisements, such as banners. Most people react negatively to these marketing techniques and find them intrusive and obnoxious.

Consequently, marketing campaigns, especially among the top competitors in their respective fields in Dubai, have been forced to adapt as a result. What truly gains the attention of consumers are the search results that appear in Google. With 80% of all internet searches, the company is so popular that it’s even become a verb. Yahoo and Bing barely come close, with a mere 9.5% and 8.5% of searches, respectively. This is because consumers find search engines reliable, trusted sources of information. As a result, over 300% more traffic is sent to websites from search engines than from social media, and over 80% of online inquiries into a business start with a search.

Be Reliable And Successful

To boost your business, you need to take advantage of this information. This means that when customers search a particular topic – not just your website’s title – you will appear on the front page of the results, preferably at the top. After all, how many times have you actually clicked to the second or third page? Less than two percent of searching consumers spend the time to look beyond their first results because they find they perceive the first few as the most relevant and reliable.

However, boosting your business with search engine optimization (SEO) techniques isn’t easy. Dubai’s leading SEO experts have developed the expertise required: knowledge of Google’s algorithms, how to properly use analytics, making the right changes to your website, and even manipulating online traffic! Learning it all can be confusing and exhausting. This is why the industry has expert companies that specialize in SEO, such as Flare. They already have the knowledge, so you won’t have to spend time or worries on your website improving your hits. Instead, you can focus on your customers. After all, your business is your passion, your dream, and your desire. Don’t you want to give it the best?