WordPress is a content management system that is used by a staggeringly large number of web designers. In fact, according to W3Techs, WordPress is used for nearly 20 percent of all webpages — and nearly 60 percent of all pages that use a content management system. While WordPress has a reputation for being a blogging platform, it is flexible enough to use for nearly any type of simple webpage. Many hosting companies offer free installation of WordPress, and with the apps and extensions, it is easy for even novice web designers to set up a page that is clean and serviceable. However, like anything technology-related, it is important to understand the security concerns of the system, as well as how to protect your page and your data. Then, you do not have the worry of becoming the victim of a WordPress hacker.

Recent Concerns
While any system used to manage data is susceptible to becoming the victim of hackers, until recently there was not much information published about WordPress security concerns. All this changed in 2013. There have been a number of major attacks reported. This Silicon Angle blog discusses a “brute force” attack on webpages early in the year. This attack allowed hackers to gain entry into thousands of WordPress-managed pages and caused the site owners countless hours of work to fix the issues. WordPress itself has made changes to security to help prevent these issues. However, for the best security, you will need to take your own precautions.
Security Tips
- Backup:
- Secure Hosting:
- Password and Username Safety:
- Use Reliable Apps, Extensions and Layouts:
- Update:
Backing up your data regularly is very important. When you do this, you will be able to recover your information if anything should happen.
You have hundreds of options when it comes to hosting your WordPress page or account. Spend time reading the security data on the hosts and choose one that takes safety as seriously as you do.
Do you know how many WordPress accounts have the username “admin”? That is a great place for hackers to start when they are trying to get into your account. Use a different username and make your password extremely difficult to guess. Including capital letters and numbers can help.
There are thousands of add-ons out there that you can use to customize your page. Make sure you choose add-ons that are created by reliable developers and that are kept up-to-date.
Along the same line, keep all your add-ons updated. An outdated add-on could provide an easy way for a hacker to gain access to your account. An add-on that is regularly updated is less likely to cause problems.
As you learn more about WordPress, you will be able to use the program to accomplish more and more for your webpage. The official WordPress page lists notable users of its content management system. These users include the NFL, CNN and TED — among others. If big names like this trust WordPress, clearly you can, too. It is just important that you understand the possible security concerns and learn how to deal with them. Then, you can continue learning how to work within the system and create pages that allow you to accomplish all your online goals.
Photo credit: Stuart Miles on Freedigitalphotos.net