5 Tips To Succeed At Being A Manager

5 Tips To Succeed At Being A Manager

A career in management requires a very special person to effectively juggle the many requirements. Contrary to popular belief, successful managers are not born, but they are crafted over time. In either case, successful managers consistently demonstrate certain highly productive habits. Six of the habits of successful managers are explained below.

5 Tips To Succeed At Being A Manager

6 Habits of Successful Managers

  • Communicates effectively in person, on the phone, or through email. In addition, the successful manager knows how to actively listen and provide feedback.
  • Sets the standard by example and provides recognition to those who do the same.
  • Helps develop the capabilities and skills of others through on-the-job training and education.
  • Builds trust through effective interpersonal relationships with subordinates and superiors.
  • Bolsters the team through the uncanny ability to inspire teamwork.
  • Implements and communicates the organization’s mission in all aspects of managing.

In addition to the habits of successful managers, the following tips are designed to offer insight and direction at what you can do to become a successful manager.

5 Tips to Succeed at Being a Manager

  • Earning a college degree is an excellent way to learn all of the habits of a successful manager. In addition, a college education all but guarantees that you will have the confidence to make the tough decisions. Undoubtedly, some degrees are significantly more helpful for a successful career in management.
    • College of Business offers several degrees such as Accounting, Finance, Business Management, Marketing, Risk Management, and several others that have traditionally been prime choices for individuals looking for a career in management.
    • College of Engineering offers several different types of engineering degrees, but also infuses graduates with the work ethic and leadership skills that are highly valued as a manager. This includes masters engineering management online and offline classes.
    • College of Communications covers various disciplines regarding the art of effectively communicating. As one of the most important habits of successful managers, the ability to communicate is uncanny in management.
  • You must offer your employees clear and defined objectives. Since your performance will be measured by their performance, you should outline your short term and long term goals and expectations for the department. Not only must you define the goals, but you should also explain why the goals are important to everyone and provide a map to attaining the goals. Most importantly, you must ensure that each employee owns the goals and understands how it will help them individually.
  • The importance of your employees is unequivocal, which means you must do everything possible to inspire, motivate, and develop each employee. It is a great practice to take time to get to know your team and each member of the team.
    • The best managers understand what motivates each team member, what each member requires from management, and each member’s preferred work environment.
    • The best practice is to develop individual plans with each team member. These plans should focus on the contributions that each team member can make based on their strengths. At the same time, the plan should include a way to further develop each member’s weaknesses.
    • By demonstrating a genuine interest in your team member’s professional and individual growth, the team will be more likely to be motivated by you.
  • As a manager, your underlying job is to effectively manage your people. It is not to personally take on every task that comes through your department. Instead, you should feel very comfortable delegating responsibilities throughout your team, especially since you have an in depth understanding of each member’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Although every team will have weaker members, the object is to make your weakest team member you’re strongest by encouraging them. Instead of quickly providing an answer to the member’s questions, you can offer them confidence that they will come up with the solution, which doubles as the ultimate compliment for some personality types.
  • As a manager, everything is at a premium, especially time. To succeed at being a manager, you must be a master at time management. If you don’t already have a stronghold on time management, the following tips will help you get a better grasp.
    • Take the first 30 minutes of each day or the last 30 of every day to plan for the next day. Doing so will allow you to easily complete the most important tasks first.
    • Understand when you work the most efficiently and schedule your most important tasks around that time.
    • Any activity or conversation that is important should be scheduled on your calendar or as a meeting.
    • Just because your phone is ringing or your get a new email doesn’t mean you should stop what you are doing to answer it. You shouldn’t instantly give someone your attention unless their situation is urgent and deserves it.
    • Close your office door or put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign when you must not be disturbed.