Need your GED?
Adults with a high school diploma or equivalent (a GED) typically earn an average of $11,000 annually. For someone who never finished high school and needs an optimistic start, a couple hundred dollars seems like an understandable investment to secure that first step.
GED versus High School Diploma
Although it is commonly referred to as the “equivalent” of a diploma, there are several cases in which acceptance to a school or application for a job depend on the possession of an actual diploma. Understanding the difference could be detrimental to future outcomes.
GED Diploma Online
Currently, it is not possible to obtain a legitimate GED diploma on the internet. However, registering for classes, applying for acceptance into the physical exam, study guide resources, and even practice tests can be obtained online. The actual examination is taken as serious as the ACTs or SATs. Regardless of professionalism or intriguing offers, any website that claims to administer diplomas cannot give you one that a recognized establishment will accept.
US Department of Education
Recent provisions allow for the strict regulation of domain names that end with “.edu”. Currently, a certified educational institute has to undergo a thorough application process as well as meeting certain requirements in order to obtain use of a .edu address. However, any prior holders of an address ending in .edu, including fake diploma providers and other scam artists, were considered to be “grandfathered in” and allowed to continue using their domain names.
Accreditation Claims
Just about anyone can build a website and type whatever they want on it, including misleading claims and incorrect information. This is why the internet can be so complex, depending on users to make wise choices before investing their money. Any agency, business, company, institute, or other entity that has a legitimate presence, whether physically or online, should have resources backing their authenticity available. It is essential to validate these and not buy in to a financial trap.
30 Minute Diplomas
Once in a blue moon, an online presence is so thoroughly constructed that it does fool a helpless internet surfer who may stumble upon it. Brilliant scammers can cheat the system enough to dispose of or greatly hide any warning reviews or bad message board gossip pertaining to it. The only indication these sites give to their illegitimacy is in the mission statement that they claim to be able to fulfill. The actual exam to acquire a GED is given in sessions lasting a total of seven hours.
Warning Sign
Though high school diplomas or a GED is not legally administered online, there are many educational programs (such as driving school or server’s licenses) that can be obtained. Aside from their credentials, these sites authenticity are shown in their processing and payment requirements prior to any learning or testing. An online diploma mill administers a quick and easy test with an optimistic “Congrats!” before rushing into their request for your personal information. Getting a GED diploma online is simply not a properly recognizable option.