Accredited Online Marketing Degree Programs: What You Need To Know Before You Enroll

Accredited Online Marketing Degree Programs What You Need To Know Before You Enroll

Accredited online marketing degree programs will allow you to complete your marketing education using your computer. You can work from home, during your lunch break at your current job, at the library, at the park, or anywhere else you enjoy studying. Regardless of the level of marketing degree you are pursuing, you are sure to find this article beneficial in helping you learn more about the online learning process.

Accredited Online Marketing Degree Programs What You Need To Know Before You Enroll

Average Time Spent Completing Classwork

Students will typically spend about 15 hours a week completing assignments and studying when they are pursuing a degree online. It takes me about 30 hours per week to complete all of my school work, but this is with a double major, minor, and several certificates. I have to log into my e-classroom at least twice per week in order to maintain my attendance at my online university, but some online schools (such as this one) will want their students to log in up to five days a week in order to maintain attendance.

Class Formats

Online classrooms with either be asynchronous or synchronous. The online university that I attend utilizes an asynchronous e-classroom format. This format allows me, and all of the other students, to log in at our leisure to complete assignments. However, we still must meet all assignment deadlines. We must post a response to one to three different discussion questions each week that must be a minimum of 250 words. We must also respond to a minimum of two classmates with a thorough reason for either agreeing or disagreeing.

Required Courses

When pursuing any accredited online marketing degree programs you will need to complete all necessary general education classes. Some of your core marketing classes may include principles of accounting, legal business writing, business ethics, managerial finance, personal selling, integrated marketing communication, buyer behavior, marketing research, legal environment in business, principles of management, Internet marketing, principles of marketing, international marketing, and marketing strategies. Electives will also be required and can include logistics and supply chain management, brand management, retail management, or sales management.

Required Tech Skills

You will need to have certain tech skills to complete a marketing degree online. These include the ability to use a word processing program, to use a computer, to operate email, and be able to efficiently use the Internet.

How Long Does it Take to Complete This Degree Online?

On average, an online Associate degree in marketing will take you two years to complete. On average, an online Bachelor’s degree in marketing will take you four years to complete. On average, an online Master’s degree or higher will take you three years to complete.
