New Scams to Watch Out for in 2024

How To Keep Your Motivation Working From Home

When it comes to the world of social media, technology and investing, pretty much our entire day-to-day online, then you are exposing yourself to a whole new world of potential threats that you wouldn’t cross without technology. 


Everything is pretty much digital now, from dating to banking and even our jobs so with all of this sensitive information, our entire lives are basically accessible to anyone who tries hard enough to gain access to it and use it for their own selfish reasons. This is the harsh reality of what negatives technology brings to our lives while being insanely convenient and easy; there are always risks that come with that.


So while we are all already familiar with the common scams, we need to watch out online and ignore strangers. These scammers are becoming more sneaky and have evolved with the methods in which they get people to drop their guard and trust what they are reading on their phone or computer. You shouldn’t have to be worried every time you decide to scroll and click on some emails or connect with friends so we have put together a list of new and evolved scams that you should look out for in 2024.


Deepfake Scam

A deepfake is an artificial intelligence-generated or manipulated media piece that presents a person in the media as someone else. It may include working with an image, a video, an audio track, or any combination of them. The term “deepfake” combines the terms “deep learning” and “fake.”


‍Not all picture, music, or video editing tools are brand new. The application of machine learning algorithms to create or edit media exactly enough that it’s extremely difficult to identify something authentic is what’s novel about deepfake, though, and what gives deepfake its definition. A good recent example would be when people created a deep fake of Katy Perry at the Met Gala. These pictures, at first glance, fooled millions of people, including Katy Perry’s own mother. This pretty harmless deep fake just reflects how scary but also evolved scams can turn into and what this technology can be used for less tastefully and playfully. 


Deepfake scams can look at anything like individuals pretending to be someone else, a celebrity or even someone of a government background to manipulate individuals into providing sensitive information or even sharing money.


You should always be wary of unsolicited contact from strangers, whether they appear to be people you know or have heard of, especially in cases where they are asking for this kind of information.


Cryptocurrency Scams

While cryptocurrency and the world of trading might not be that new, there are so many scams beyond trading that use cryptocurrency as a way to hide not only who they are but also prevent the victims from getting their money back at all and every cost due to its blockchain nature.


Traditional scammers would prey on new traders who are looking for an alternative way to make some extra money. With the use of creating a once-in-a-lifetime, quick-win ordeal, it gets victims who are none the wiser to let their guard down and send pretty much all the money they have to avoid missing this gold opportunity but little do they know it’s all a ruse and it’s going in the back pocket of a scammer.


There are other crypto-related scams, such as job scams, that tend to offer to pay you through crypto. No reputable job would offer to pay you in an untraceable and unregulated manner so it’s just alarm bells from the get-go but because they are praying for the individuals who need the money and are willing to do what it takes to get it.


When it comes to your involvement with cryptocurrency, always tread carefully, as there is no help that can come from the authorities and only professionals such as WRS. These crypto scams are unfixable, unfortunately, when they happen so investing in extra security measures is key. Anything guaranteed is a lie and anything that seems too good to be true usually is.


Social Media Scams

Social media are by far the most used platforms of this generation and while specific platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have tried to put in measures that make it harder for scammers to create fake profiles, it’s definitely not impossible. These are some of the more evolving scams and are related to romance scams and identity fraud.


These types of scammers will begin by creating fake social media profiles or even hacking into other legitimate accounts. They may go on to message people within your following and create urgency to send money, offer fake giveaways, and investment opportunities or send personal/fake messages urging you to click on a link that may give them access to your personal information.


Be cautious when communicating with others on these social media platforms, as you truly never know who is on the other side of the phone. Any unusual behaviour that you might notice from an individual or a friend, be sure to report the account and block it immediately. Creating a private account is another line of defence that can prevent these scam accounts from getting the opportunity to contact you.


Phishing Attacks

Another scam type that has been in the works for a while but unfortunately is also forever evolving. They are also coming in multiple forms, such as the Friday afternoon scam, which is where a scammer will gain access to some of your information, whether it’s your email account or who you are in conversation with. They will create a very similar email address to one you may be talking back and forth with and ask you for an urgent payment. This has happened to thousands of people when communicating with mortgage companies and in a flash of a second, they have transferred thousands to a random account and not who they believed it to be.


Email scams come in so many different forms so be sure you are cross-referencing the email with their valid site but also not sending over sums of cash unless you are 100% it’s going to the right company for the right reasons. No business would email you with urgency for matters unless it’s an overdue payment, be sure to email back and ring up if you are still unsure. Get all the information from the direct website and not any URLs sent in the email.


Final Thoughts

There are new and evolving scams all around us and while it’s nothing new to the world, it could be new within your life if you aren’t taking the necessary precautions online. Be sure to triple-check and don’t send money to unfamiliar people. Protect your information and your finances all year long using this guide.