If you find yourself in the middle of a legal dispute over your brand, or you’re simply on the verge of entering into one, then you might feel like your situation is hopeless. After all, no one really wants to go to court over a business disagreement, especially if it could tie up resources that were better spent elsewhere. In order to avoid this situation altogether, or at least help you deal with it if it should arise, here are a few tips for protecting your brand while in the middle of a legal dispute.
Register Your Trademark
Of course, your first step towards legally protecting your brand should be to trademark it. As it turns out though, there is some nuance when it comes to what is and isn’t capable of being trademarked. Put simply, a trademark’s protections are stronger are words and symbols that are unique. If you try to trademark common words, or words that are commonly found together, you might have your trademark rejected outright. With that in mind, when you’re building your business and its associated brand, try to think as creatively as possible, so that you can avoid any future trademark issues.
Seek Outside Help
If you find yourself heading to court, then seeking outside help might be the best way of protecting your brand. Expert witness services like Michael Richards Consulting can offer a company an easy and inexpensive way to address major concerns in court, especially with regards to branding and financial concerns. As with most legal situations though, it’s also worth consulting a lawyer so that you can get a general overview of your case’s strengths and weaknesses, which will then help you determine what type of expert witness you might need to enlist.
Develop an Employee Handbook
One of the best ways to protect your brand before heading into court is to develop an employee handbook. With an employee handbook, you can be confident that your workers will know how to behave, and it can serve as further proof of your brand’s identity if a case should arise. The key to developing an employee handbook is to consciously think about your company’s work philosophy, and then translate that into a set of expected behaviors for your employees.
These tips can’t guarantee that you’ll win your dispute, but at least they can give you enough protection to ensure that your case won’t be over against you easily. With the right law firm at your side, these tips can help protect your company and your livelihood and ensure that you’ll go on to better opportunities in the future.