There are many professional jobseekers who can’t find suitable employment for months or in some cases, years. In fact, the entire job search process can be rather stale. We may spend countless hours on various job search websites, often with minimal results and feedback from employers. It is certainly frustrating to spend months without locating a proper job. Inevitably, we may start to question our qualifications, experience, professional skills, career choices and even our education. However, we are not alone, because the slow moving job market could result in relative high rate of unemployment. The stagnated business world could cause various unfavourable results.
There are things that employees can do to spend their time more productively during this time, such as having part time job, volunteering job or temporary job. During this time, we should consider seeking out short term job in our own career field, at least to get ourselves out of our house and do something useful. In this case, we could have an opportunity to hone our work ethics and prepare ourselves for future, “real” employments. If a proper job opportunity appears, then we may have a distinct advantage than many other applicants who apply for the same job. By having multiple part-time and temporary jobs that are related to our expertise, we will have more impressive resume to show to the prospective employer.
It is also to have a presence in the job market and if prospective employers search for our name online, they should like what they see. We should be associated with any organization and company related to our education, expertise and skill. In this case, we may need to use different “names”, if we want to have more active involvements in other online areas. The challenging economic times have made the job market becomes an employer-driven one. In this case, employers are becoming more selective about any job applications submitted to them.
Before we start to enter the job market, we should evaluate our online presence and determine whether we have proper digital footprint. We may share our name and have involvement with dubious websites. We could also be habitually less friendly in social media platforms and employers consider that we have inappropriate attitude. Successful professionals are able to boost their personal brand, so employers could quickly assess our strengths, interests and expertise. They would know why it is necessary to hire us and whether a worthy applicant. In fact, personal brand should be considered as an essential part of career and we should fully professionals as we appear online. Employers want to make sure that our personal brand is truthful and accurate, so we need to appear consistent when we are communicating with employers. Our brand should reflect our career goals, education and overall qualifications. One good way to boost our personal brand online is by having a LinkedIn profile and become more active in it. It is acceptable to post some personal opinions in Facebook and Twitter, but they should reinforce our professional image.