Nuances Canadian Drivers Must Know About Car Insurance Claims

Nuances Canadian Drivers Must Know About Car Insurance Claims

Whether you are in a light fender bender or a huge crash on the streets of Canada, there are certain things you should know about car insurance claims. There are specific time limits that auto insurance companies require you to adhere to or they may not take your claim.

• You must notify your insurance company within seven days of the accident.

• The police must also be notified.

• A written “declaration of loss” must be submitted to your insurance company within 90 days.

• If you are making a claim against another driver, they should be notified immediately as well as their insurance company because you cannot assume that they will.

No Further Loss in Vehicle

After a collision, you must protect your vehicle from further damage, and the driver must not order repairs on the vehicle until the adjuster has observed the vehicle or the repairs become the driver’s responsibility. With collision or All Perils Coverage, the insurer completely replaces or fixes the vehicle.

Not at Fault

When you are in an accident where you are not at fault, you can claim the damages from their insurance company, but insurance typically pays about 60 percent of medical bills, rehabilitation and pain and suffering. In order to be fully reimbursed, you must contact a personal injury attorney to ensure that you are properly represented in court and fully compensated.

Nuances Canadian Drivers Must Know About Car Insurance Claims

Intricacies of the ICBC

If you live in the British Columbia province of Canada, you are likely familiar with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC). The ICBC is the universal auto insurance corporation established by the B.C. government. This means that every insured person on the road has insurance through the ICBC, and therefore the ICBC has conflicting interests in any auto accidents in the area. Because they are legally responsible for both the at-fault driver and any others involved, you may have to protect yourself from getting undersold on your claim. This dual-interest of the ICBC means you should be very careful what information you are giving them and consider legal help if you believe you are being short-changed.

A Consultation Will Offer Information If You Have Been Injured

If you have been in a collision, experienced personal injury lawyers can offer you a free consultation to discuss the details of the accident and inform you of your rights. A free consultation will relieve the stress that has accumulated after the shock of the accident, and it will give you security that the legal process has control of the situation. A competent attorney will reassure you that you do not have to go through this time alone.

Never Assume Liability

In the event that you are in a collision, do not assume any liability or admit responsibility on your own or while you are at the scene. Always contact the police, and if you are able, take pictures of the collision with your cell phone. If you are seriously injured, call both a friend or family member along with a personal injury lawyer to meet you at the hospital. The side of the law is with you when you are not at fault, and you should never pay for the damages.

Information Credit: Taylor and Blair