Electronic Point of Sale (EPoS) systems offer the latest touch-screen technology to business customers, being popular not only with restaurants and bars but also in large retail stores. But should you invest in an EPoS system for your business? Here are five advantages that may encourage you to do just that!

#1. Tracking products
In a retail environment, EPoS systems allow managers to run reports which can identify stock levels as well as see which products are best sellers and which are not selling well. This can help with future budgeting and purchase decisions. Stock management can get incredibly complex and when you add multiple stores in multiple locations with a network of supply chains bolted on – excell spread sheets are just not good enough. An EpoS system that is intrinsically linked to all your other business software makes life a whole lot easier.
#2. Internet connectivity
Because the EPoS system connects to the internet, it’s easy for managers to send end of day figures, financial data or reports to head office or other managers for collation. The system can also be linked to the company’s website to provide a real-time update of levels of stock for products, which means there’s less chance of customers ordering out-of-stock items. EPoS can also be configured to provide customers with an update when out-of-stock products are available.
#3. Better communication
When working in a busy environment with people rushing around, communication can sometimes be difficult – this is especially so if you’re working amongst non-English speakers. Waiting staff sometimes struggle to communicate specific orders to kitchen staff, or their handwriting is hard to read. By using an EPoS system, orders can be input from the floor and sent directly to the kitchen for printing, minimising errors and making the whole system more efficient – quicker orders mean happier customers and less stressed staff!
#4. Tidy filing
There’s no need to worry about files filled with important documents or reports with EPoS. Whilst you can print off a report as and when you need it, all your transactions and other data is stored electronically, so you’ll never mislay information again – everything is in one place!
#5. Employee Monitoring
This is perhaps one of the biggest advantages of using EPoS. You can track each individual employee’s activity including sales made and any errors. Keeping track of sales in this way can be a powerful tool to motivate your staff and provide them with a feeling of competition. The information can also be used to detect if a certain member of staff is making more mistakes than anyone else and identify is more training is needed. It can also help to track missing stock and prevent fraud or theft.
As you can see, EPoS systems have many advantages – and there are many more than just these five! With the average cost of a full system around £950, there has never been a better time to invest in EPoS for your business.
EPos is the best technical device for cash drawer and it is very valuable software for every business (ie: restaurant, shop). Please visit our site for more information.