
Are Your Drains Starting To Flood? Here’s 5 Contributing Reasons Why

Most people do care about their drains until they start to back up. And by then, it’s often too late. If you’re noticing water pooling around your drains or your sink is starting to overflow, it’s time to look at what might be causing the problem.

Drainage systems are rarely given the same level of care as other aspects of the house. Many homeowners wait until their drains become clogged before contacting a plumbing firm. Before something bad happens, it’s critical to get your pipes inspected and cleaned on a regular basis.

While you may not always be aware of what is happening in your drains, a few red flag signals that your drainage system requires attention.

If you’ve ever had a clogged drain, you’re familiar with the aggravation that comes with it. You might not know how to solve it or even if there is anything you can do about it. There are numerous pieces of equipment available for homeowners, but many of them are inefficient and may even cause harm to your pipes. It’s always a good idea to call a plumber to take care of the problem because they’ll have superior tools for the job. Your plumbers utilize the following four tools to clear the most persistent drain obstructions.

Drains Blockage

This can be caused by hair, food scraps, and small toys.

If you have a drain cover, take a look inside to see if anything is blocking water flow.

If not, try running some hot water down the drain to see if that clears the blockage. If your drains are still backing up, you may need to call a professional to clear the blockage.

The draining process should be as quiet as possible. If you have this problem, you should check your drains or get a professional plumber. Slime and sediment build-up in your pipes produce noisy drains, notably gargling noises. The accumulation makes it harder for the water to flow, resulting in the gargling sounds. This is a problem that a qualified plumber can swiftly solve.

Tips to avoid drain blockage :

Broken or Damaged Pipes

Pipes can become damaged or broken over time due to corrosion, freezing, or other factors. If you suspect this is the case, it’s best to call a professional to take a look.

Tips to avoid damage to pipes:

High Water Pressure

If the water pressure in your home is too high, it can strain your pipes and cause them to leak or burst. You can check the water pressure in your home with a simple test kit from the hardware store.

Tips to reduce high water pressure:


Heavy rains can cause flooding in your home, leading to water seeping into your drains and causing them to back up. If you live in an area prone to flooding, it’s essential to take precautions to protect your home.

Clogging is another clue that your drains need to be cleaned. While some clogs can be fixed in the short term with home remedies, recurrent clogs may suggest an underlying issue. Hydro jetting, a comprehensive pipe cleaning method, can be a useful solution for such recurring concerns. When obtaining such services, however, you should choose a reputable provider.

Tips to protect your home from flooding:

Sewage Backup

If the sewers in your area are backed up, it can cause sewage to flow back into your drains and cause them to overflow. This is a severe problem that should be handled by a professional.

Standing water and slow draining pipes are signs that your pipes need to be cleaned. Something needs to be done if your shower or sink drains slower than usual. Standing water indicates that debris has gathered in your pipes. Cleaning your pipes will clear any clogs, allowing water to flow more freely down your drains.

Tips to avoid sewage backup:

If your drains are starting to flood, it’s crucial to take action immediately. There are several possible causes, and some of them can be serious. If you’re not sure what the problem is, it’s best to call a professional. In the meantime, there are some things you can do to prevent further damage. Bailing out any water that has pooled around your drains, and avoiding using them until the problem is resolved, can help minimize the damage.

The final remedy to your drainage difficulties, like most other house issues, is to visit an expert. A plumbing contractor will have the skills and knowledge to spot drainage problems that aren’t always obvious, especially to the untrained eye. Consider obtaining regular plumbing examinations – ideally every 2 to 3 years – to avoid costly repairs caused by years of neglect.

Most homeowners, unfortunately, will face the annoyance of clogged drains at least once in their lives. Blocked drains are not only ugly, but they may also be a health issue and cost a fortune to fix if not treated quickly enough.

Poor pipe installations, broken pipes, grease buildup, hair, leaves, and toiletries are the most typical causes of clogged drains. Fortunately, you can clean clogged drains without spending a fortune, and you can even avoid clogs entirely.