
Things to Do After A Workplace Injury

It is the employers’ duty to provide their workers with safe working conditions. However, despite doing everything by the book, work injuries still happen. From broken bones and concussions to occupational illnesses, there are many ways how employees can get hurt while on the job. If you experience a workplace accident, it is vital that you know what to do afterwards. Read on for some useful tips.

Get Medical Advice and Treatment

The first thing you have to do if you get injured seek medical attention straight away. Get a coworker to call emergency services if the injury seems serious and do your best not to move until they arrive. While broken bones are easy to spot, keep in mind that many injuries cannot be seen immediately. So, even if there are no visible injuries, make sure you get checked out by a medical professional as you might have internal bleeding or a concussion. Once a doctor starts examining you, let them know that the injury is related to work as it’s vital for that to be written in their notes. It often happens that a claim is denied as the report of the first medical checkup doesn’t contain this information. Furthermore, while your employer or insurance company might provide you with a doctor of their choosing, remember that you can always have your own physician present as well. That will ensure you get a second opinion and no one underreports your condition.

Report the Injury to your Supervisor

Besides getting medical attention, you also need to inform your employer or supervisor of the incident immediately. Not reporting the accident and the injury as soon as it happens is another common reason why injury claims are denied. Don’t wait for a few days to see if you’ll feel better but file a report as soon as you’re physically able. Check your state’s requirements to see if the notice can be verbal or if you have to write it down.

Write up a Report for your Employer

Even if you can verbally report that you’ve been injured, you should still write a detailed report of the accident. While you might have escaped unharmed, a written account of exactly what happened can be of great use for preventing similar incidents down the line. Mention when and where everything went down, every move you made, and what machinery was involved. This way, not only will your employer be able to examine the workplace and implement better safety measures but you will also be protected in case you start feeling symptoms and consequences of the incident in the future.

See if you’re entitled to Compensation

Experiencing a workplace injury might make you entitled to compensation. If you’re not sure whether you qualify, you can contact compensation lawyers that will help you learn more about your rights and assist you in filing your claim. Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean that you will be using your employer. You are simply requesting benefits to be reimbursed for your medical expenses and potentially lost wages. However, if you believe that your employer could have implemented more measures to keep you safe, you can also consider taking them to court. Lastly, there is also the possibility that your injury was caused by a third party. In that case, you can think about a civil lawsuit.

Follow your Physician’s Advice

Lastly, it is vital that you listen to your doctor. If they clear you for work, great. In case they recommend a few days off, notify your employer and send them a doctor’s note. On the other, if the injury was more severe, you want to follow your physician’s advice to the t in order to not further aggravate it. Keep a detailed account of your recovery as well as all medical and travel costs so that you can get reimbursed later on.

Getting injured on the job can happen regardless of how many safety measures are in place. With that in mind, you want to remember the above-mentioned tips to know how to act in case you find yourself in such a situation.