
Why Try A Craft?

Craft hobbies are increasingly popular – and are shedding their image as being the sole preserve of older people. Crafts like knitting, embroidery and weaving (among many others) offer lots of different advantages to lots of different people. They can be social – with groups of people meeting in cafes, libraries and homes to learn from each other, compare works in progress or simply chat while stitching, sewing or knitting.

Crafts can also offer an escape from a stressful work or life situation. You can immerse yourself in a crafting project, which can foster a mindful attitude. The intricate, repetitive nature of the actions involved in sewing a needlepoint design, or knitting a scarf force you to focus on the here and now, taking one step at a time until the project is complete. In our fast paced, digital world where multiple devices are constantly pinging for our attention, this slow, manual process is a welcome change of pace.

Trying Out a Craft 

A crafting hobby can be a big commitment, requiring not just your time and attention, but a potentially expensive stock of tools and materials – different colours and weights of yarn, multiple sets of knitting needles for example, or fabric, embroidery needles and floss. You also need the patterns that you’ll be following to create your first crafting project. Choosing all of that takes time and effort, as well as money.

It’s wise to look for ways to try out a crafting hobby before you commit, so you can confirm if it feels right to you before you invest in your first rainbow weaving art kit. If you have a friend with some supplies, ask if you can borrow a starter kit to test the waters!

Another way to try a crafting hobby before you fully commit is to look for the monthly crafting subscription boxes UK companies are beginning to offer. These are becoming popular precisely because they include everything you need for a single project in a box, so you can try it out from beginning to end before you go about creating a dedicated crafting corner in your home.

Sticking With a Hobby 

In the early days of a new hobby, simply finding the time and motivation to practise it regularly can be difficult. You don’t yet have the skills of an expert, and it hasn’t yet become a familiar and comforting habit.

In these early days it’s important not to take on too much: pick smaller projects that you can complete in a few evenings or a weekend, so you can watch your skills grow!