
How to Effectively Improve Air Quality at Home

Everyone needs air in order to live. Yet, not a lot of people pay attention to the quality of air in their homes.


For people with allergies or respiratory issues, improving air quality is crucial. Even if you don’t have a medical motivation for it, it’s still helpful to care about the indoor air quality that you have at home.


Since the modern age made us surround ourselves with constant air pollution, you should at least want your home to be better for you. The poor air quality will affect everyone. It can irritate everywhere, from your skin to your eyes.


Therefore, it is of your best interest to start looking for ways on how you can improve the air quality in your home. Luckily, there are several things that you can do that will effectively improve the indoor air quality:


Install a heat pump

You might not know it, but your traditional HVAC system might be contributing to the poor air quality in your home. Hence, it might be time for you to make an upgrade. And for that, a heat pump might be the thing for you and your house.


According to Aeon Energy Heat Pump Installation Hamilton, using a heat pump will reduce the carbon footprint that your HVAC system produces. That’s because the heat pumps don’t use combustion to create heat in your home. Instead, it moves hot air from one location to another in order to make your house warm and cozy.


And since there is no combustion, you don’t have to worry about carbon monoxide entering your home.


Maintain home cleanliness

Another way you can effectively improve air quality in your home is by keeping your house clean.


Keeping your home clean is especially essential if you have pets at home. Even if you’re not trying to improve air quality in your home (which you should), keeping a clean home is a must for any homeowner.


If you clean your home regularly, that means that no dust, dirt, mold, and pet dander will build up in your home. You won’t suffer from a variety of allergens floating up in the air, triggering your allergies. Thus, you have to ensure that you clean your home often.


Set a schedule for it. Make sure that you clean from the top to the bottom of any room.


Open doors and windows for ventilation

If you leave your doors and windows closed for too long, your house starts feeling a little stuffy. You need a way to refresh your indoor air sometimes, so you’re not breathing in that stale air all the time.


By simply opening up your doors and windows a few times a day, you will be bringing in fresher air into your home.


Some people who live in more populated areas or cities might be hesitant about opening their doors or windows. However, a study revealed that indoor air might have more pollutants than the air from outside your home, even when you’re in the city.


Therefore, you should revive the stagnant air in your home filled with pollutants and open up those doors and windows.


Do not smoke inside your home.

Any person should know by now that cigarette smoking won’t benefit you, and it can even harm the people around you more.


If you’re a smoker, perhaps you should consider quitting as soon as possible. Otherwise, do it outdoors.


The 4,000 chemicals that are in cigarette smoke will cling to your furniture and all the other items in your house. From the ceilings to the walls, even if you don’t think they’re there, they remain.


This can lead to third-hand smoking, which is a potential hazard to non-smokers.


Remove mold

When cleaning your home, make sure that you thoroughly clear away the mold and that you protect yourself while you’re cleaning. In the first place, you should try and prevent your home from getting mold.


If you expose yourself to mold, it can lead to a variety of health problems.


To prevent mold from growing in your home, what you need to be conscious of are the sources of moisture in your home.


Mold grows in wet areas, so ensure that you properly dry off any potential problem areas around your house. If you find yourself dealing with a mold issue, then make sure that you get rid of it as soon as possible.


Do note that if the mold in your home covers more than ten square feet, then it’s better to let a professional handle it so you won’t end up making mistakes.


Turn on your kitchen vents when cooking

Your kitchen vents aren’t decorative. They’re there for a reason, which is to remove air contaminants while you’re cooking in your kitchen.


Remember to turn on your kitchen vents when you’re cooking. That way, you don’t let indoor air pollutants that you made while cooking stay in your home. Aside from that, food smells won’t cling to your kitchen walls.


Improving air quality in your home is an oft-neglected step in maintaining a healthy home. The steps to enhance the quality of air are quite simple, so there’s no excuse not to do them. With the ways listed above, you’re going to build a habit that is going to improve air quality in your home in no time.