
Easy Winged Eyeliner For Beginners: Using an Angled Brush, Duct Tape, Spoon, and Free Hand

If you were to ask anyone what would be the most difficult makeup trick that they face maximum difficulty in conquering, there is a high chance you will hear “winged eyeliner” from most of them.

While a winged eyeliner looks amazing and can make your eyes look accentuated and awake, things can quickly take a turn for the worse if you mess up its application.

Applying a winged eyeliner can be quite an intricate and tricky process because drawing on the actual “wing” requires absolute precision—clean and crisp is what it should be. This becomes even more daunting if you are a beginner who is just starting to explore the phenomenal world of makeup. But don’t you worry, we’ve compiled a list of different ways in which you can do your winged eyeliner just like the seasoned beauty enthusiasts you see on YouTube—well, as seasoned as it can get.

Creating a Winged Eyeliner Using an Angled Eyeliner Brush

Using an angled eyeliner brush can help you create the wing easily in a short span of time and honestly speaking, it cannot get any easier than this. Buy an angled eyeliner brush with soft yet sturdy bristles to get that perfect wing.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Wet the angled brush slightly and then dip it in your eyeliner pot.
  2. Place the brush on the outer edge of your eye creating an angle with your temples.
  3. Proceed to position the brush over the line you just drew in an inverted fashion to create the upper curve for your wing.
  4. Fill in the blank space between the lines using the eyeliner brush while gradually extending the liner to the inner corner as you normally would. You'll quickly realize just how easy winged eyeliner can be when you are using an angled brush.

Creating a Winged Eyeliner Using Duct Tape

It was Huda Kattan, the owner of Huda Beauty, who recently used scotch tape as a useful tool to draw the perfect winged eyeliner and who knew it could be so good!

We would also personally advise you to opt for a waterproof eyeliner to minimize any smudges and make your eyeliner last longer. And yes, when you are pulling the tape off from your skin, don't forget to be gentle.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Cut a piece of tape measuring about 2 cm. Don't make the tape too long as it can cause a lot of hassle.
  2. Stick the tape along the outer edge of your eyes at your desired angle.
  3. Use your eyeliner to trace along the angled edge. This will give you the tip of your winged eyeliner without any smudges and extra hassle. Waterproof eyeliner has a stronger formula that dries quickly which is why you need to be fast while you are drawing the line.
  4. Extend the eyeliner along your upper lash line to finish the look.

Creating a Winged Eyeliner With Free Hand

While this may look intimidating at first, drawing a winged eyeliner free hand can be done easily provided you keep on practicing and steady your hand.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Take a pencil eyeliner to draw an extended line on the outer edge of your eyes. Again, you need to create an angle. You can adjust the length according to your desired wing length and style.
  2. Now carefully place the pencil eyeliner where the line ended to draw another line that flicks inward with a slight curve. Extend this particular line to the inner corner of your eye.
  3. If you find extending the line difficult in one go, you can always extend it halfway into your upper lash line and then continue until you meet the inner corner. It’s important to ensure that the line should thin gradually. Remember, transition plays an important role in the case of winged eyeliner.
  4. Fill in the gaps paying careful attention between the upper and bottom line that forms a wing; the end result should look smooth, especially around the edges.

If you want a more dramatic effect, you can take a liquid eyeliner by carefully tracing along the lines that you created from using your pencil eyeliner. Not only will this make your eyes more intense, but it will also help to cover up any rough edges giving you a perfectly even and smooth finish. However, take care to not mess up the initial eyeliner that you have so carefully applied.

Creating a Winged Eyeliner Using a Spoon

Yes, you can make the perfect winged eyeliner with the help of a spoon as well. A spoon can be a great tool for applying eyeliner because it has a straight edge that can help to create the wing easily as well as a curve to make it even more precise. In short, it contains everything that is required to apply winged eyeliner in a short time without any compromise on its final look.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go to your kitchen and pick up a clean spoon. Of course, this was going to be the first step.
  2. Hold the handle of the spoon at the outer corner of your eye. Using your eyeliner, draw a straight line following the line of the handle.
  3. Place the rounded portion of the spoon so that it covers your eyelids.
  4. Use the curved edge to create the curvy tip of your wing. Be meticulous enough to get the curve correct; it is important.
  5. Carefully fill in the space between the two lines with your eyeliner and extend the liner onto the upper lash line. Be careful enough to not smudge the line or else all your hard work will go to waste.

These are a few ways in which you, as a beginner, can draw the perfect winged eyeliner. Using these simple tricks, you will never have to worry about messing up even if you are a beginner.