
4 Important Points to Keep in Mind Before Selling Your Home

Selling a home is a big decision. You’ll want to pull in the highest selling price you can get. This can involve taking the time to make sure that your home is ready to sell. The more attractive you can make it, the more likely you’ll be to get the price you’re looking for.

Clean Up

You’ll want to provide as much curb appeal as possible to draw in prospective buyers. Cleaning up flower boxes and mowing your lawn are appropriate steps to take when improving your curb appeal. You’ll also want to trim any hedges and bushes around your property. If there are any diseased or dead trees on your property, you’ll probably want to check around with some local tree removal services that can safely remove any trees on your property. You’ll also want to trim any branches that extend over another homeowner’s property.

Sell at the Right Time

When you go to sell your home, one important consideration is when to sell it. There are plenty of statistics that indicate the time of year that’s best to list a home. In 29 of the 35 largest markets in the US, the best two-week window for selling a home is between the middle of March and the middle of June. Unless they are moving for a new job, people don’t really want to go looking for a home when the weather is cold and snowy. This means that you’ll want to list your home just as the weather starts to warm up.

Sell at the Right Price

Another important consideration to keep in mind as you go to sell your home is the local market. You’ll want to price your house at a level that’s similar to the comps in your neighborhood. This will involve checking out houses with a similar number of bedrooms and square feet. A house across town might not make a good comp so you will want to find a comparable home that’s close to your house.

Hire an Agent

Real estate agencies will usually have a list of prospective buyers who are ready to look at houses that are on the market. According to statistics from the National Association of Realtors, sellers who choose to use an agent to sell their houses fetch an average selling price of $245,000. Those who sell on their own typically bring in less than $200,000 for their homes. Agents know the market, and they can likely find a buyer for your home.

Your home is a huge investment. You’ll want to bring in as much money as possible when you decide to sell it. By making sure potential buyers find it attractive and selling it at the right time, you’re more likely to pull in a solid offer from a buyer.

Addy Reeds is a freelance writer from Eugene, Oregon. She discovered her passion for journalism while attending the University of Oregon. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook: @addyreeds1;