
4 Ways to Get the Most Relaxation From Water

Although you might not be able to afford that trip to the Caribbean, there are still many ways to get the healing benefits of water in your life. Water makes up 60% of your body, after all, and is one of the most plentiful substances on earth. Not only is it necessary for life, but it can provide many benefits to the body and soul, both physically and emotionally. Here are 4 ways to get the most relaxation from water in its various forms.

White Noise

If you’ve ever spent time by the ocean, you’ve heard the relaxing tone of waves breaking on the shoreline. The waves of water are considered a form of white noise for the brain. White noise works wonders to help relieve muscle tension in the body and mind. It also helps to filter out distracting sounds. This works especially well at times when you’re trying to fall asleep. Something as simple as playing relaxing water sounds or going outside by the ocean or a river to relax can do wonders for your emotional state.

Soak in the Hot Tub

We all love a nice soak in the tub. When you’re lying there you may be wondering how life could get any better. A hot tub is a great addition to add to your home that will allow you to take advantage of the soothing properties of hot water on the body. Hot tubs come in all different sizes and styles, and they don’t even have to break the bank or involve a costly installation. Some hot tubs are portable and don’t require the use of electricity or pipes, like a wood-fired hot tub, which is eco-friendly and fueled with natural wood and coal. For a high-tech alternative like a Jacuzzi, you can get fine water jets that can provide an increased level of comfort that oversteps a traditional bathtub. It’s like getting a massage and a bath all at the same time. Many bathroom tub providers will offer jacuzzi versions of their traditional tubs. This way, you have the option of taking a regular bath or turning on the jacuzzi jets.

Water Feature

Investing in some form of water feature, such as a soothing fountain, can help to keep your stress levels down throughout the day. Consider placing one or more of these water features at your home or office. You may just be surprised at how relaxed you are throughout the day compared to before you have the water feature installed. If you’re limited for space, realize that these water features come in all different sizes. You don’t need to purchase a large fountain. You can get a small one that sits on your desk at work, which provides both relaxing sounds and a meditative, ever shifting waterscape to look at.


Not willing to spend a lot of money? Don’t worry—there’s one way that everyone can access the healing benefits of water: by drinking it. While this seems obvious, statistics show that about 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Many people drink much less than the recommended 10 cups of water a day, which has a ripple effect on the overall health and mental wellness of the whole body. So grab a water bottle and guzzle down—being hydrated promotes cardiovascular health, cleanses your body, and helps you sleep better. Talk about relaxing!

Water provides so many benefits for the body, mind, and soul. When it comes to relaxation, water is so versatile in all the ways that it can help your body relax. Take advantage of this resource to relax your body and relieve your stress throughout the day.