
Intelligent Apartment Cleaning Hacks

Who doesn’t want a clean and fresh apartment? All of us, Right? But, lets’ face it once in for all that cleaning apartment can be hectic and time-consuming. Most of us don’t have that much time. Some of us are even busy on the weekends. However, your days of worry are over as we are here with clever cleaning hacks which will make your life easy. Above all, your apartment cleaning routine will not be tiring with these intelligent hacks. However, you obviously need a good enough apartment which is easy to clean so do check out Dubai Marina Apartments for rent.

Make the following hacks a part of your routine and enjoy the minty fresh apartment every day. There you go:

Witness The Wonders Of Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is a cheap and easy solution to most of the cleaning problems. Especially, when it comes to cleaning microfibers, it can do wonders. Just add a little amount of rubbing alcohol at the stain and rub it with a brush. Damp it with a towel and boom, the stains are gone for good.

Say Good-Bye To Giant Vacuum Cleaner

The idea of cleaning your apartment is hectic for a major reason which is the giant vacuum cleaners. They require a lot of energy and sometimes the wires can get messy. To avoid all this fuss, buy a chordless stick vacuum of any good company. Such vacuum cleaners are very easy to use and they have a very compact design. They make cleaning easy as a piece of cake.

Vinegar Is A Wonder Tonic

We can go on and on with the benefits of vinegar when it comes to cleaning. However, here are some major uses of vinegar for cleaning:

Furniture Cleaning Combination

You should clean your furniture once in a while to make it look new. Use vinegar to clean your furniture along with baking soda. If you still feel that it needs more shine, then polish it with a little amount of vegetable oil. This hack will make your furniture look good as new.

No More Carpet Stains

Carpet stains are very stubborn to deal with. However, you can get rid of them with just 3 simple things. Pour some vinegar on the stain. Place a damp towel over it. Dry the area by ironing it. Stains will vanish like magic.