
Less Is More: What You Should Know About Reminder Advertising

Have you ever wondered why brands with huge popularity continue to advertise? It’s because they’re practicing a special time of promotion known as “reminder advertising.” the purpose of reminder advertising is to keep consumers aware of a product or service. However, it needs to be done with a delicate touch. This is what you should know about reminder advertising.

Keep It Simple

Imagine if you came across a billboard advertising a popular soda and it had a paragraph of text about the product. You would probably feel rather confused and not feel very compelled about purchasing that soda. Keep your advertising simple. A billboard should not exceed seven words. You should also avoid crowding image space with too much unnecessary information and details. Focus on having a good balance between images and words. Someone who’s driving by your billboard should be instantly able to understand that message you’re trying to convey.

Focus on Feelings, Not Information

The secret to reminder advertising is not reminding your audience what you do but of how you make them feel. You want to create feelings of positivism for your audience. They should see your advertisement and react with a smile. Try to capitalize on sentimental associations with things like family and friends. You can have ad campaigns that are educational. Reminder advertising isn’t about teaching people about your new product. It’s a couple of seconds where they remember you exist. So focus on what feelings you want to evoke with your brand. Fun? Sterile? Cool? Relaxed? They all work for their proper brands.

Storefront Advertising

When you’ve been operating a business long enough, it can start to blend in with the scenery. Your storefront’s appearance greatly matters for continued awareness. There should be prominent signage you can make with plastic vacuum mould manufacture. This can be a giant cupcake for your bakery, or a giant tire. Think of a landmark people use when giving directions. You want to be in people’s subconscious and radar. Something fun that makes you stand out. You can have things like banners and a new and improved awning to help drive business up.

Graphic Design

The best kinds of advertising catches your eye without warning. Graphic design goes a long way in terms of attracting an audience. Even if you don’t have any graphic design experience, you can still find someone who can help. Research graphic designers and see who would be most suited for your business. Make new logos with bright colors and attractive fonts. Even if your business isn’t new, you can make it feel new.

Reminder advertising is for keeping your name fresh in the minds of your audience. You don’t want to overthink or over explain things. Work on a reminder advertising campaign that reinforces what qualities have attracted people to your business in the first place. By showing that you’re always looking to stay in touch with your consumers, you can show just how determined you are.