
An Organized Business is a Healthy Business: 3 Tips to Help

Starting a new business is like getting married. While there is a certain amount of logic involved, it’s usually powerful emotions that prompts us to take the leap.

The idea of being your own boss, being able to do what you love and possibly being able to make a difference in the world can be intoxicating, but running your own business takes a lot more than sheer passion.

These three tips will help you organize your start-up company so you can set higher standards moving forward.

Define Your Business Goals and Your Desk

If you’ve ever spent fifteen minutes looking for a paper that took ten seconds to file, you probably understand the value of having an organized workspace. Make a list of what you need to declutter your office and improve workflow. If your business handles a lot of documentation, make sure your physical filing system is built for easy filing and finding.

And while physical structures can reduce clutter, what you do on a daily basis goes a long way towards reducing stress levels and creating order in your office.

In addition to keeping physical organization, you need to define your business goals. What are your goals and how do you plan to achieve them? Write down your game plan and stick to it.

Use the Right Productivity Tools

Take stock of which apps and programs you use during the day. As a business owner, you need productivity arsenal that takes the guesswork out of your day. Contact management systems work well for both small and large businesses. In addition, communications systems need to be on point and offer a variety of ways to conduct meetings, including video chat and text messaging on the fly.

Clean up Your Space

Start with your personal space. A disorganized computer and a lack of productivity go hand in hand. Clear your desktop of clutter. Remember that the icons on your desktop of shortcuts for other programs. Only leave the ones that you use the most for easy access.

Next, move on to other spaces. Working in an unorganized environment can make both business owners and employees feel on edge. Not knowing where to find necessary documents or having merchandise falling off shelves also leads to a lack of productivity and motivation. Make sure you have the necessary shelving, filing, and appropriate labels for your business. If everyone knows where everything goes, your system of organization is more likely to stick.

The above tips will not only help you organize your business, but also create a healthier work environment on your road to success. However, keep in mind that not every system will work for every business—every business has different needs. Don’t be afraid of growing and tailoring your system to your unique situation.