
Carrying people and parcels across the lands for hundreds of years

For years we as humans have used animals as a way of carrying both people and items to various locations and across a number of different landscapes in different climates and temperatures. Mules and donkeys are one such animal. For years you saw them giving rides to children on the mud and sandy beaches across the UK and they were also used as a way to carry items in a number of different countries. They are still used in some countries but more so now as animals to enjoy in the natural environment rather than working animals as we now have the services of companies like who are the Same day courier Slough business.

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A mule is, in fact, a cross between a female horse and a male donkey(also known as a jack) they are often mistaken for either a donkey or a horse.  Here are some interesting facts about these animals:

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Have you ever ridden on a donkey or a mule perhaps on a beach somewhere?