
Things To Know In Advance Before Investing In Engineered Wood Flooring

Due to its versatility and affordability, engineered wood flooring is becoming increasingly popular among a wide array of home and office owners. The way this flooring is tactfully resilient to various detrimental factors such as heat and moisture is what makes engineered wood flooring one of the top choices among people. Everyone wants the flooring in their homes or offices to look beautiful, be long lasting and stable, be simple to maintain, and provide an enhanced performance throughout. Along with these factors, the way your feet feel while walking on a particular type of flooring is important too. In order to suit every need, cheap engineered wood has various textures, colors, and patterns. Let us take a look at some things to know in advance before actually investing in an engineered wood flooring.

1. Material of Construction

The construction of your flooring plays an important role in how long it lasts and how it looks. It should meet the thickness criteria that ensures longevity and resistance to damage. Mainly, there are four materials used in the construction of engineered wood. You can make a choice after knowing in detail about these materials.

Walnut Flooring: The best part about walnut flooring is that it is easy to maintain and affordable. If you are looking for cheap engineered wood that imparts a dark appearance to your place, then walnut flooring is the way to go.

Oak Flooring: Oak flooring is versatile and suits every place. It is available in a variety of colors. But it is expensive than other forms of engineered wood flooring.

Maple Flooring: Maple flooring is light in color and provides you more freedom to style the place as you want. It provides a look and feel that is closest to real wood.

Beechwood flooring: It imparts a soft, warm, and a light look to your place. Like the maple flooring, beechwood flooring also provides ample ways and freedom to redecorate as you wish.

2. Dimensions

When the number of joints and seems decrease in engineered wood flooring, it looks more natural and beautiful. A wide plank floor looks classier than the conventional 3 inches floorboards. When you shop for engineered wood, make sure you take into account the dimensions beforehand.

3. Floor Finish

When you are done deciding on the material and the dimensions, it is time to ponder on what kind of finish you prefer. One of the biggest advantages that come with engineered wood flooring is that you can never run out of textures and finishes. There is something to fulfill every requirement and a look to satisfy each customer. Some people like a matte finish while others prefer a slightly glossy one. A matte finish imparts a royal and sophisticated look whereas a glossy or a waxy oiled finish reflects light, thereby giving a radiant glow to the entire place.

The above-mentioned factors are a must-know before investing in an engineered wood flooring. Only after doing proper research you should spend your hard earned money as this decision is going to live with you for years to come.