
Corporate Blogging Is All About The Face Behind The Corporation That Tells A True Story

One of the first things about corporate blogging is the fact that blogging is the corporation’s way of reaching out to the masses – keep it human. It is a way to show people a real human, living and breathing is part of that corporation. Show people that you are passionate about your job and you are doing something worthwhile enough to be corporate blogging.

The secret to the success is talking to your reader with your employer listening in on the conversation in the background. You may take corporate blogging above a notch or two by radical means like directing your readers to a competitor’s blog. You may lose a sale today but you’ve just gained a loyal customer for life. Be generous, be honest and be open and that will have readers flocking to your blog.

Add value to your corporate blogging by encouraging conversations. If you do this before you start a new conversation, you will have established credibility in the corporate blogging sphere and built trust. People don’t usually take to anyone jumping into the fray with new conversations and will often move away or ignore you.

Corporate blogging results can be greatly enhanced if you visit other blogs and participate in conversations and respond to comments in your own blog or leave your footprints in someone else’s blog. Building new relationships is at the core of corporate blogging and you can do that by interacting with more people and creating a good brand image for yourself and your corporation.

It be very careful about the voice you use. Personalization plays a huge role in corporate blogging and brings down the wall between a corporation and a client. Adopt an informal writing style for corporate blogging that would be very different from the detached voice of a giant corporation and if you’re not into writing yourself you can always seek for a legit professional help.

If you’ve been ignoring corporate blogging for your company, that is a very costly mistake. In the case of something wonderful or the other end of the spectrum, something disastrous, people want to hear it from the horse’s mouth. It is not additional option to press releases. An audibly sincere voice of the corporation can only be heard through corporate blogging.

Just too many people in corporate blogging around us are copy-pasting cookie-cutter responses in social media. If you want to excel at corporate blogging, innovate and find compelling ways to reach out to customers.

The main thing to remember is that corporate blogging is not only voicing the corporation differently but listening to the customer too.
