
Security and Reliability Features That Make For Great Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting is one of the most scalable hosting types available in the hosting industry. Cloud Hosting works on the principle of Divide and Rule, where all the resources needed to run the website are divided and distributed across an array of servers. These array of servers come together to form a single, powerful unit called the Cloud. Within the Cloud, it is easy to add and delete resources, making it  extremely scalable. This cloud hosting service is ideal for websites that receive spikes in traffic  and therefore the need to scale hosting resources up or down come along frequently.

In this post, we will talk about certain features specific to security and reliability that many popular Cloud Hosting service providers offer, that make the overall package very effective. Let’s look at these aspects so that we can know what to look for to make Cloud Hosting services most ideal for your website.

Ceph Storage Architecture for Automatic Failsafe: Cloud Hosting environment is more reliable compared to the other hosting types as there is no single point of failure. In case one server goes down, other servers on the Cloud take its place to avoid network disruption.  However, this reliability heavily depends upon the kind of storage architecture used over the Cloud environment. Some of the good Cloud Hosting service providers integrate Ceph Storage architecture on their Cloud which is highly reliable as it acts as an automatic failsafe.

Ceph Storage gives 3N level of redundancy and is completely distributed without a single point of failure. It also makes the system scalable to the exabyte level. Ceph replicates data and makes it fault-tolerant, requiring no specific hardware support. As a result of its design, the system is both self-healing and self-managing.

Effective Account Isolation over the Cloud: In terms of security, one aspect of the Cloud should be understood. In theory, all website accounts hosted on the Cloud Hosting are distributed across the servers present. It is possible that if a hacker cracks into one website on the Cloud, (s)he can make way to other sites as well, as everything is linked. This is why very sound account isolation is necessary for each website hosted over the Cloud.

Automatic Backup Policy: Periodic website backup is highly essential. In case of any data loss disaster, the first thing your recovery team will require is a stable restore point. These restore points are only made possible if periodic and comprehensive website backups are taken up. It is essential that you take-up periodic backups but at the same time, if your Cloud Hosting Service provider also takes up backups at their end, it is all the more reliable. This may also save resources and time at your end by reducing the frequency of taking backups at your end.

Security Add-ons: Protecting your website from viruses and malicious codes is mandatory. When choosing a Cloud Hosting service plan, it is essential to select a plan that provides top-of-the-line security tools. Most Cloud Hosting Service providers provide premium security tools such as CodeGuard and SiteLock with each of their Cloud Hosting packages. CodeGuard provides an automatic website/database backup solution. It monitors your website/database regularly and if any changes are detected, it notifies you. SiteLock screens every aspect of your web presence, daily to identify security gaps.

Having these features or equivalents of these features in your Cloud Hosting services package will ensure your website is a lot more safe, secured and reliable. In case you think there are certain other features that can be included to this list, then please feel free to write about them in the comments section below. Hope this helps and cheers until next time!