
8 Online Businesses You Can Start With No Money

Many people earn an income from home-based Internet businesses. It takes planning, patience and perseverance, but it can be financially rewarding. Eight ideas for starting your own Internet business are listed below:

1) Web Designing

Competition is keen, but people who have strong computer programming and artistic skills can make a living creating websites for clients over the Internet. All of the marketing and the handling of projects can be conducted online. It will be important to showcase your growing portfolio of work at your website. Offer competitive rates when starting out!

2) Virtual Assistant Service

Virtual Assistance is a fast-growing industry. Use the knowledge and experience gained from your particular field of work for assisting others online. Do you excel at administrative, financial, project management, organizational or consulting skills for example? Because it is a virtual job, you can even start out part-time as you continue with your office or other job.

3) Online Desktop Publishing Service

The keys to getting a successful home-based desktop publishing business up and running include a mastery of the software, marketing your business and meeting the deadlines set. By providing this type of service online, you give yourself a larger field in which to work. You can be as specialized or as broad-based as you like, depending on your interests and the markets that you would like to serve. Much of your orders — and their delivery — can be facilitated via your website.

4) Online Resume Writing Service

Resume writing services will always be in demand, making this an excellent Internet business option. Fees for resumes vary from $100 to $400. A component of the business website could include blank forms for completion by clients. Questions could be handled over the telephone. Drafts of resumes, from which clients could make their selection and/or submit feedback, could be posted online. Payments can also be handled online, and the finished product can be emailed, mailed or made available for downloading.

5) Online Marketing Service

Online marketing courses and training can be obtained online – and for a lower cost than the average college course fee. Once qualified, you can help others grow their businesses by driving online traffic to their website.

Online marketing include advertising services such as Pay-per-Click, or PPC; Search Engine Optimization, or SEO; and article or blog marketing. The methods and the services are extensive, and they will allow you to specialize in a niche market, or have a global reach.

6) Online Affiliate Marketing

You can earn part-time income simply by allowing affiliate advertisements on your website. Alternatively, you can earn a full-time income by selling services or products as an online affiliate, or you can induce others to sign up to the online affiliate program to which you belong.

7) eBooks Marketing

The phenomenon that is eBooks is akin to the goose that lays the golden egg. It keeps giving! As a business proposition, you can create and sell eBooks online, or you can market other people’s eBooks. You could even sell eBooks that give details on how to effectively market eBooks. The possibilities are almost limitless — and lucrative!

8) eBay Trading Assistance

Help eBay traders sell their wares. Trading assistants typically collect items from homes or businesses after photographing them. They then sell the items on consignment on eBay. This is a business that could be carried out exclusively on the Internet, however. Start small, and as you gain experience and expertise, you will find traders happy to pay good fees for assistance. Another source of revenue is to create and sell eBooks detailing tips for success on eBay.