
8 Reasons Why People Leave Your Website

A well-designed website is important for any  business, brings new customers and strengthens the brand. Whatever your online marketing plans, the end goal is likely to attract more people to your website.  Visitors will stay longer if they find something useful on your website. For a business, every second counts. There are many factors that can make a site worthless. Here are the issues that affect the image of a site. These solutions help to increase user interaction and increase the quality of traffic.

Visual Elements of Poor Quality

Many specialists have written about the power of visual elements used in communication. A study by the University of Minnesota, the Research Center for Information Management Systems, claims that visuals using visual elements are 43 percent more compelling. The potential of a website may be much lower by including inferior quality images.

We recommend the use of high-quality photos to attract users’ attention, increase the number of distributions on social networks, and even increase SEOs if the images are labeled/optimized accordingly.

Lack of Reviews or Testimonies

If your site does not display customer testimonials, your business lacks a simple and effective marketing tool. Customers have preferences and want to make a choice. Just telling them about the quality of a product or service is not enough.

Testimonies can help build trust in a company’s offerings and repress customer concerns that might arise before making a purchase. So, use them with confidence.

It is not Optimized for Mobile Devices (responsive)

A website may be a work of art, accessed from a desktop, but if it does not work or does not work well when it’s open on a mobile device, your company will lose a growing segment of the public by online. Shopify, a leading e-commerce platform, analyzed data from more than 100,000 websites using its platform and found that just over 50 percent of shopping is made through mobile phones/tablets.

Outdated Information

Scroll to the bottom of a web page to check if the Copyright / Copyright date is listed. Is it recent? According to Small Business Trends, a website that is not upgraded.

Users want to see that a company has made the effort to stay up-to-date. This includes periodically adding new and refreshing content to the existing one.

Hard to find

The best site in the world is useless if no one can find it. An entrepreneur does not have to know much about search engine optimization to create pages that are easy to find by search engines and consumers.

We recommend a strong domain name, page titles carefully optimized to accurately reflect the content on the page and effective use of keywords.

Request to Register Before

If you offer your users to sign up on the company’s website to access the information, that may discourage. There is an artificial barrier between customers and the company’s products. Aggressive registration forms make readers hesitate to disclose personal information for fear of receiving spam. In many cases, consumers assume that the value of the information received does not deserve the price they pay in exchange for the e-mail address. Make every visit count and do not force users to do something they do not feel comfortable doing.

Lack of a Suitable Color Scheme

Another factor that could lead to weak sales on the company’s website is the color scheme. Many entrepreneurs have probably already understood the importance of branding. A strong brand differentiates the company from its competitors and makes it instantly recognized by consumers. But it can lose the credibility of users if their site does not use a suitable color scheme. Determine what you want to pass on your company’s corporate brand and make sure your site is created or not  according to a color scheme that suits the message.

Difficulty in finding Contact Information

Did you ever need assistance in a store and found that all sales agents seem to have disappeared? In retail, this should never happen. Even online, this should never happen. If a customer has a question or needs help, contact information should be easy to find on your site. The availability of support to potential customers, for example, via live chat, can help a company to communicate more easily with customers, reduce costs, and give sales momentum.