
4 Simple Perks You Can Offer Your Staff Without Breaking The Bank

The perks and benefits that you offer to employees can affect their overall job satisfaction level, their productivity, your company’s retention rate and more. As important as perks and benefits are, you understandably have a limited budget to work with. Some benefits, such as health insurance and stock options, can cost your company a small fortune.

As important as some of the more common expensive benefits are to your employees, there are also numerous more cost-effective benefits that you can offer that may be just as well-received and appreciated by your team. These are only a few of the many ideas that you can consider adding to your overall benefits package.

Snacks and Drinks

Your team spends many long hours at the office each day. Some will pack their own snacks and drinks, and others will head out of the office to pick items up throughout the day. However, when you provide at least some items on-site in a vending machine, you can improve job satisfaction and even show your team how much you appreciate their time and effort.

More than that, the extra energy boost that you provide to them may bolster productivity. If you cannot afford to provide a regular stream of snacks and drinks, consider catering breakfast or lunch for your team once a month or looking into used vending machines for sale.

A Game Room

You may think that a game room on-site would be a distraction and would reduce productivity. However, your team may have stressful work activities and substantial responsibilities. They can easily feel overworked and unhappy, and this can breed ill will and discontentment in the workplace.

If you have a game room, on the other hand, you can give your team a place to blow off steam for a short period of time. They can also bond more substantially, and this can bolster collaboration and improve the team environment in your workplace.

Flex Time or More Vacation Time

Your team may also appreciate having extra time off to enjoy different aspects of their personal lives more substantially. Two weeks of vacation spread across an entire year is not a substantial amount. After all, they may take a week-long vacation in the summer with family, and this only leaves five additional paid days throughout the year to take for random mental health days or to tend to family or personal matters.

In addition to having a few more paid days off each year, they may also enjoy having flex time so that they can better manage their work-life balance. The last thing that you want is to have a team of unhappy employees who feel as though their lives are unenriched on a personal level because they are slaves to their jobs.

On-Site Wellness Activities

When you incorporate on-site wellness activities in your workplace or work environment, you are showing your team that you care about their health and well-being. Some larger businesses may have an on-site fitness center with group fitness classes scheduled at various times in the morning, evening or lunchtime. Smaller businesses may also have on-site wellness activities periodically, such as massages, lunchtime yoga, and other health benefits. You can also organize corporate participation in fun runs and other physical activities.

There may be some expensive perks that your business may need to offer to your employees in order to attract and retain top talent. However, there are also many less expensive perks that you can add to the mix that may further promote job satisfaction, productivity and more. These are only a few of the benefits that you can consider adding. Consider the needs and desires of your employees so that you invest your money in the most strategic ways possible.