All You Want To Know About Motivation Assessment Test

All You Want To Know About Motivation Assessment Test

In the workplace, every employee has a different style of getting motivated. If someone is motivated by financial hikes, there are lots of other persons who work for personal fulfilment and they got motivated by personal accomplishments. But, identifying your motivation is not easy and often people never find out which things can motivate them for the best performance.

To know more about your motivation, often companies organize psychometric tests that help you to know yourself while employees also get the glimpse of your true personality traits. Through motivation assessment test, one can understand his/her true motivation.

What Is Motivation Aptitude Test?

While doing a job, you often feel irritated and feel you are not going anywhere. If you go through this test, you can know your position and ways to succeed more. There are usually two types of motivation-

  1. Intrinsic– Such type of test engages behaviour for personally rewarding. You may be given a word puzzle to solve which you will find exciting and funny.
  2. Extrinsic– Here, the employees are rewarded with external rewards, like gifts, money, praise, etc. To achieve this motivation, employees need to take part in sports or work hard for a promotion.

Both types of motivation are different and one can be motivated in both of the ways. While motivated intrinsically, you may get happy due to the renovation of your chamber while you can be extrinsically happy as soon you heard the news of the promotion.


Today, employers select candidates through acid tests. Therefore, they take the best care of their employees and help them to find their true motivators. The essential benefits of motivator aptitude tests are as follows-

  • To know the individual motivators for each employee a 10-minute test is awesome.
  • Based on the motivation level, one can identify the role of the best-fit applicant.
  • It assists to know the relationship between employee engagement and individual motivation.
  • Identifying the employee’s motivation is simple and managing becomes easy.
  • Creating winning teams for projects can be super easy.

Common Motivators

  1. Conceptual Motivators– To discover the truth, this test is taken. Employees are evaluated by the conceptual value of solving problems, education, and learning.
  2. Social Motivators– This type of mentality is for helping others and does something for the betterment of the society. Such type of attitude helps in motivating teamwork in an organization.
  3. Aesthetic– This works to create a harmony among all motivators of life. Once employees are motivated by this motivator, they can improve their creative side and keep balance in their work life.
  4. Doctrine– This makes you aware to know the real meaning of life through the system of living. Once employees are motivated by this value, they become able to know political advocacy in the workplace.
  5. Power and Authority– This is the passion to acquire a position which enables you to command others. Motivated by this value, the employees look for the opportunity to get promoted or often they aspire to entrepreneurship.
  6. Economic– This is obviously to get the best return on your investment.

Here you get enough information about career motivation tests. The working environment is changing and you have to keep up the pace with it.