
Tips For Picking The Perfect University

Picking the right university can be really tricky. While you may consider the university where your closest friends will be studying, going to school for the people usually isn’t a good idea and can end up with you being unhappy with your decision. This decision isn’t one that you should take lightly as it’s the first step in your higher education and in deciding your career path. Read on for some tips to make sure that the university you pick is the best fit for you.

Rank Your Priorities

What you want out of school and what is important to you will be different than everyone else’s list. Take some time to decide what is more important to you such as the size of the school, number of sports and how great the teams are, and even location. Once you know your priorities, you’ll have an easier time picking the right fit.

Know Your Endgame

If you already know what you want your career to be when you are done with university, then picking a school that can help you reach that goal should be important. Even if your career path is vague, it’s a good idea to look at schools that offer the degrees that interest you and can help you get to where you want to be.

Take a Tour

More than just visiting campus, taking part in university open days is a great way to get a feel for the campus, the students, and the professors. It’s always a good idea to bring along a friend or parent to these events so that you have a second person listening and taking in information. After the day is over, you can sit down and compare notes to see if that university is the right fit for you.

Check Out Financial Aid

Before falling in love with a school that you absolutely can’t afford, it’s a good idea to pay attention to the type of financial aid that they offer and see if you qualify for any help. There are few things more heartbreaking than finding your dream school and not being able to afford the tuition, room, and board. Being prepared with your numbers beforehand can save you a lot of time when it comes to deciding.

Look at the Departments

Take the time to really research the different departments at the university you’re considering, paying special attention to if their faculty are active in their fields. If they are, this is a great way for you to get an internship or job after graduating. Even smaller departments can have outstanding faculty so don’t write off a less-regarded department.

While it is human nature to avoid making difficult decisions, waiting on this one will only hurt you. Universities want to get their class lists filled and want to accept the brightest and most interested students that they can. If you have your heart set on going somewhere in particular, then it’s important to buckle down and fill out the paperwork.