If you rely on recruiters to find new employees for your company, there could be some mistakes that are being made that are preventing you from hiring the best new staff members. These errors may lead to more difficulties in the hiring process and end up costing your business money in the end. Here are four errors that your recruiters might be making.
Creating Inaccurate Job Descriptions
Your recruiters might be failing to provide accurate details about a certain position within your company when creating job posts or explaining the job to potential candidates. This could result in you hiring candidates who are not qualified or turning away the best help. Your recruiters may also try to oversell the open position by promising opportunities that do not exist. Salary range and job responsibilities are other details that could be inaccurate in a job description. It is important for you to verify the authenticity of your job descriptions regularly so that you can correct any errors.
Not Showcasing Your Company Well at Fairs
Many recruiters find applicants for companies by attending career fairs. If your recruiters are not showcasing your company in the best light, jobseekers will be less inclined to stop by your booth. Durable sign holders can make your business look more attractive and should be placed at your booth to generate more attention. Video presentations are also great for highlighting your company. Your recruiters should be standing and wearing nametags throughout the event to make your business seem more personable.
Unprofessional Conduct
Jobseekers are expected to be professional, but your recruiters should also be conducting themselves in a way that favorably represents your brand. Recruiters who show up late to interview candidates will be seen as unprofessional and likely discourage applicants from working for you. Your recruiters should also have any questions, skills tests and other materials prepared when meeting with potential candidates. Vulgar and other offensive language should be prohibited. It is further important to remind your recruiters not to check phone messages and emails while speaking with applicants.
Placing Too Much Emphasis on the Interview
Interviews are important, but some recruiters rely on them too much when screening job applicants. As MindTools.com states, many applicants will say whatever they can during the interview just to get the job. Some people may also be nervous during the interview and will be afraid to show their true potential. In addition to asking a lot of questions, your recruiters should be giving skills tests to find the best employees. Your recruiters can even try asking applicants to take part in certain exercises to see how they will perform on the job.
Correcting any mistakes that your recruiters are making can help your prospects in finding the right employees. You should be monitoring the activities of your recruiters on a regular basis to prevent any errors on their part.