
Impressive Health Benefits Of Vanilla Extract

Vanilla is much more than a delicious flavor ingredient, contains antioxidants. Diet with vanilla may have cholesterol-lowering benefits, vanilla has properties that help maintain health and beauty. Helps to reduce inflammation, protect your heart from heart stoke.

Might Lower Cholesterol

According to the study published in Vanillin found in Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. Consuming high amounts of Vanillin linked to the reduction in total blood cholesterol levels in rats. If you want to lose a few pounds, add some drops of vanilla extract in water or food. The plant reduces the production of serotonin – the hormone of happiness – which makes the feeling of hunger disappear.

For Heart Health

Many studies found that a diet with vanillin has shown to be reduced cholesterol levels in the body. Doctor’s recommended for people who are at high risk of heart attacks and strokes, that can lower the risk of atherosclerosis, inflammation in the arteries

It has Anti-aging Effect

Vanilla contains a large amount of antioxidants that can stop the negative effects of free radicals. Consumption of vanilla extract can help reduce wrinkles, including fine lines around the eyes or other signs of aging. That’s why, It is very widely used in the cosmetics market.

There are many neurological studies that show that vanilla extract can change people’s mood in a positive sense. Thus, doctors recommend that people who experience depression or anxiety problems add a few drops of vanilla into water or milk because the fragrance of this plant has a soothing effect.

For Healthy Skin

In addition to wrinkle fading, vanilla properties also help to maintain healthy skin. This pleasantly fragrant plant contains huge amounts of vitamins in complex B such as niacin (vitamin B3), thiamine (vitamin B1), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin B6. All of this helps to maintain young skin and protection against the adverse effects of air pollution.

Helps Hair Growth

If you have problems with hair loss or hair is thin and damaged, regularly apply vanilla extract or essential oil on your hair and you will notice how your hair will become stronger and healthier.

Helps Relieve Nausea  

Vanilla extract combats the feeling of vomiting. Put 2-3 drops of the extract in water, mix and drink slowly.