
7 Deck Railing Design Ideas

Deck railings increase the level of safety and attractiveness that your deck can offer. Deck railings work to eliminate the chance of falling off a deck, which can lead to serious injuries.  Deck railings also help complete deck designs.

Deck railings can be crafted from a number of materials. Utilising the same material as your deck, in your railing create a consistent and natural feel. While blending different materials into a single design allows a deck area to create a more upscale and personalised atmosphere. There are no ÒrightÓ or ÒwrongÓ answers when design a deck railing system. Ideas that support your budgets while incorporating your design preferences and the desired deck atmosphere can all come together to create your perfect deck railing system.

If you are not sure where to start or are in need of inspiration consider these 7 custom deck railing design ideas. For more information, contact a professional deck railing design contractor. With years of expertise in local markets, contactors can provide or discuss ideas about ideal railing styles, materials, permit requirements and so much more.

Wood Rails

Natural, elegant and cost-effective, pure wood railings are a classic railing design option. 2×4 inch top rails. 2×2 inch pickets and 4×4 inch posts can quickly come together with a variety of wood types to create a great design. Logwood options are also available for cabins and rustic decks. Woods are prone to damage, though many contain natural oils and or can be covered and treated to increase the durability of the railing system.

Deck Board Top Rails

When a wood deck is painted a solid and often somewhat bold colour, the top rail of the railing system can often be made of the deck boards. This creates a consistent and eye-catching design. White pickets or glass panels work well to help extenuate this design option.

Glass Pickets

Glass railings are commonly made with 3-7 foot glass panels held by aluminum or wood posts. Though an innovative option with glass panels are to install shortened pieces to act as glass pickets. These railings can still utilise wood and aluminum posts, though have several glass pickets between rather than large single panels.

Classic Aluminum

Aluminum is becoming an increasingly more popular railing material amongst Canadian homeowners. Alumninum is highly customisable and durable, though requires very little maintenance. A classic aluminum railings a great option for anyone in need of a highly practical, clean and attractive railing design.

Cable Railings

Cable railings are innovative, attractive and upscale. These railings create a sleek design that is best used with metallic railing bannisters and posts. This railing style is effective for incorporating more durable materials than glass while proving very limited view obstructions. These railings can work well to compliment modern furniture, though can be difficult to install. It is never recommended to attempt DIY cable railing installations.

Lattice & Wind Walls

Two common complaints about deck spaces are that they are windy and offer limited privacy. Though with the installation of raised lattice on your deck railing, neighbours and or walk-by traffic will not see completely through the crosshatched material. Raised and it tinted glass can also be effective for making decks more private. Raised glass is referred to as a wind wall, as the raised structure blocks wind from disturbing your deck experience.

Wood & Aluminum Blends

Wood and aluminum work well together as they offer a natural and yet upscale feel, that is truly personalised. A fully aluminum railing can seem too Òman-madeÓ for some deck designs. A wood deck railing helps promote a relaxed and natural feel. Though, with aluminum pickets, your wood railing can become much longer lasting than a purely wooden system with small wood pickets.