
Looking To Lose The Dreaded Double Chin? Try These Natural Methods

Turkey wattle? Turkey flab? Gobbler? Meat scarf?

Those are all terms for the dreaded double chin. And, they aren’t pretty!

Everyone hates the unsightly bulge. And, they’ll do just about anything to get rid of it. But, before you opt to sign up for invasive options like going under the knife or liposuction, maybe you’d like to try safer methods that can remove that unsightly fold of skin under your jaw.

The Dreaded Double Chin is a Harmless Roll of Skin

Before you start to feel like there’s a live boa around your neck that you need to lose, understand that the double chin is just skin with a layer of subcutaneous fat under it. Once the roll appears, it can be a bit difficult to get rid of since the skin has lost its elasticity. But the good news is that there are a bunch of solutions out there that can replace the lost layer of collagen and elastin under the skin that helps keep it firm and smooth.

The Roll Can Appear Because of Various Reasons

Several factors can cause the appearance of that roll under your chin. And, know that it is not necessary that only overweight people develop the dreaded double chins. Even people with normal weight levels can have the under-chin roll.

Doing the Specific Exercises for Double Chin Removal Can Help

You can try various exercises that can stretch and strengthen the muscles under your chin like:

Other Solutions for the Double Chin

Exercising the loose muscles of that dreaded double chin is no doubt the best way to correct the problem. But, you can try some of these other methods also.

Ultherapy – A Non-Invasive Safe Method

While you can use methods like liposuction and fat-dissolving injections like Deoxycholic acid, consider opting for Ultherapy instead. This modality uses the power of sound to gently stimulate the layer of collagen and elastin under the skin to regenerate. The aesthetician uses a wand to that emits low-frequency sound waves and holds it against your skin. You’ll only feel a tingling sensation and experience some amount of redness afterward. Within a few weeks after the 10 to 15-minute session, you’ll start to see a marked improvement in your appearance with the dreaded double chin seeming to vanish. Rest assured that Ultherapy treatments have absolutely no side-effects; they’re safe, non-invasive, and very effective.

Double chins and turkey wattles are no doubt unsightly. But, you need not opt for invasive measures when you can correct the problem using natural and much safer alternative methods.