
How To Raise Employee Productivity Levels

Every smart employer is well aware that the continued success of a business depends on the performance of the most dynamic resource – the workforce. As long as employee productivity levels are high, your business will have higher production levels, better efficiency, and ultimately, higher profits.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that on an average, Americans spend 8.8 hours each day at work or engaging in work related activities. CNN also says that Americans put in 34.4 hours a week at work which is far more than workers in the largest economies across the world.

IMG Source: CNN

But, are these longer hours actually translating into higher productivity levels for your company? The effective way to find out is by conducting regular performance reviews. Employers must assess the hours spent at work against outcomes achieved. And, if you feel that the company goals are not being met efficiently, you need to start taking practical steps to raise employee productivity. Here’s how:

Ensure that Your Employees are Getting Adequate Compensation

Have your HR department keep you informed about the latest salary trends in your industry. Make sure you offer workers in all tiers fair salaries and wages with a particular focus on employees in the lower levels of your business. A good salary is the best incentive that can raise employee productivity levels in the workplace. In addition to wages, add insurance benefits, perks, retirement funds, bonuses, and sales percentages. Sometimes, just a $10 gift card can go a long way to promote employee satisfaction and encourage better performances.

Provide Constructive Feedback and Encouragement

Provide constructive feedback from time to time that encourages workers and lets them know how to perform. Talk to them about the efforts that are paying off and earning good results for the company. Employees need to know how their contributions have helped achieve objectives and how they can perform better. Recognize and appreciate hard work and give accolades when needed. A pat on the back goes a long way in raising enthusiasm and employee productivity levels.

Provide the Best of Equipment to Maintain Employee Productivity Levels

Without the proper equipment to do their jobs, workers may be unable to perform up to their potential. While many businesses have a BYOD policy allowing workers to work on their own equipment, providing company devices may be more advisable. That’s because you can ensure that the gadgets are in top working condition at all times. If you’re concerned about the cost factor, provide employees with refurbished laptops, cellphones, tablets, and any other devices they may need. The result – you’ll never have workers talking about how they couldn’t deliver because of faulty equipment.

Allow Flexible Working Hours

Recognize that your employees are individuals and may need additional support. Many of them may be parents or caring for elderly relatives. Allow them days off when needed, and flexible working hours so they can keep up with personal commitments. Permitting them to work longer hours to make up for holidays, and work from home and on weekends can go a long way in maintaining employee productivity. You’ll also encourage loyalty and promote respect towards the company.

Train Your Managers Well

Conduct training programs for your managers and supervisors, so they understand how to maintain an atmosphere conducive to good performances. Establish a company work ethos where every employee is respected, treated well, and given all the support and encouragement they need to continuing to work to their maximum potential. Also, train your managers to conduct themselves in a manner that serves as a positive example to the workers in the lower rungs of the workforce structure. You’ll soon see higher employee productivity and better results.

As the author of Here Today Here Tomorrow, Greg Smith says, “The top ten reasons people quit their jobs all fundamentally come down to management decisions and issues, not the amount of a paycheck or the extent of benefits. Yes, employees expect to be reasonably compensated for their work and they may join a company for the salary and perks, but they will leave it because of poor management.”

Offer Employees Opportunities for Skill Development

Workers perform best when they are constantly challenged and given opportunities to excel. Stagnation and boredom are the biggest contributors to insufficient results. Arrange for training programs for your employees so they can advance their skills. As they grow, they can look forward to better positions within the organization, higher salaries, interesting assignments, and the possibility of growth. You’ll find that your employees work harder so they can qualify for training programs. The result – you have better employee productivity.

Employee satisfaction, low turnover rates, and high productivity are the key elements necessary for the success of any kind of business. Use these tips to ensure that your workers stay with your company for longer periods and continue to perform well.