
Parramatta Car Accidents In Parking Lots: Common Types

Accidents can happen almost anywhere, even in places where most people think it is least likely to happen, such as car parks. Parking areas are supposed to be safe, but unfortunately, due to several factors, accidents can also happen there.

Different types of accidents can happen on car parks in Parramatta. Hence, it is important for any driver, pedestrian, and car park owners to practice all necessary safety precautions to ensure safety and traffic orderliness. Car accidents may result in serious injuries that may require you to undergo surgeries and to need the services of a chiropractor Parramatta. The following are some of the most common types of car accidents that usually happen in Parramatta parking areas:

Rear-end collision – This type of vehicle accident is very common in car parks. Given the limited space in some parking areas, such accident is likely to happen. Drivers who do not keep their eye and attention to the road are likely to cause rear-end collision, as well as drivers who tailgate. Rear-end collisions could result in fender-bender to major and fatal accidents.

Head-on collision – Although rare, head-on collisions also happen in car parks in Australia. When a driver’s focus and attention is not on the road, he or she can collide with another vehicle, which could result in a life-threatening accident. Thus, it is very important for drivers to keep their eyes on the road while looking for a parking spot or exiting from car park.

Side collision – This type of car accident is quite common in areas with limited spaces like car parks. When a driver is not paying attention while looking for a parking space, he or she can easily collide with another vehicle, stalled or moving. Side collisions can result in minor to life-threatening injuries. Parties involved may sustain injuries like spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, fractured bones, cuts and lacerations, among others.

Pedestrian accident – Accidents in car parks do not only involve drivers but pedestrians as well. Drivers who do not focus their attention to the road are likely to cause pedestrian accident. Hence, it is vital for drivers to be observant on their surroundings, especially when looking for a parking space or exiting one. Pedestrian accidents could end up in a tragic outcome. Victims of pedestrian accidents may sustain major to fatal injuries.

Car park accidents are not only to be blamed on drivers but establishment owners as well. Commercial establishment owners who offer parking spaces for customers should do all necessary measures to ensure the safety in their premises. Below are some of the tips establishment owners can do to prevent accidents in their parking areas.

Mark car park lines – Line marking on parking lotsare very important so customers can easily spot available spaces. Markings also help ensure the safety of the drivers and pedestrians alike. When there’s marking, accidents are less likely to happen because it guides drivers and pedestrians, keeping them away from accidents like those previously mentioned.

Properly lit car park – Dark parking areas are susceptible to accidents. Drivers may fail to recognize and notice other motorists and pedestrians if the car park is dark. If it car park is outdoor, the establishment owner must put up light posts so the area will not be dark during nights.

Put up signs – Putting up reflectorized signs inside the car park can help prevent accidents. These signs can guide the drivers going to car park’s exit and those looking for available spot. They can also serve as guide for walking pedestrians.

Car park accidents are not uncommon in Parramatta. Hence, no driver and pedestrian should be too confident about their safety. However, if ever you get involved in one, make sure that you prioritize your health; consulting with chiropractor Parramatta is important to know whether or not you need to undergo therapy sessions.