
Ultimate Shopping Guide For Expecting Mums

Buying baby gear can be exciting at first but as the months go by and your little bundle of joy approaches, you are likely to get tired of browsing around. When this time comes, it will be best if you just know what you need.

Lucky for you, we have come up with a comprehensive shopping guide which will help you figure out exactly what to buy, from baby carriers to feeding gears etc. These items are not only meant for your newborn but yourself as well.

Feeding Supplies

If you plan on breastfeeding your child, it is good to invest in at least a few nursing bras or camisoles before the baby comes. Good nursing bras have good support and aren’t too tight.

Nursing pillows are also important to support your baby while you’re nursing so that you can avoid straining your shoulders or neck.

Other necessary accessories include breast pads, a breast pump, bottles, bibs, burp cloths and nipple creams such as Lanolin ointment, which helps to relieve sore nipples. And if you’re around Australia, you can go check for baby carriers Australia in some reputable stores online.

Diaper Supplies

Much of your life in the early weeks after your child is born will involve changing diapers. While disposables are the preferred choice for most parents, cloth diapers are also viable alternatives.

Decide which diapers you will want to use and stock up ahead of time. With either choice, you will be going through up to 15 diapers each day.

Moreover, think about getting a changing table. A low dresser with a changing pad will do just fine, but an actual changing table comes with nice extras like safety railings and storage space.


Newborns sleep a lot, typically up to 18 hours a day. However, they rarely stay asleep for more than two to four hours at a time, day or night. Having this in mind will enable you to pick the napping gear that provides optimum comfort for your baby at all times.

Shop for a well-sized crib with a firm innerspring or foam crib mattress and at least two sets of crib sheets to minimize laundry sessions. A baby monitor is also necessary, to keep tabs on your baby in one room while you’re in another. Baby carriers Australia have some of the best napping gears you probably will not find anywhere in the market.

Getting Around

Because you will have to move around with your baby, a front pack or sling is an inevitable purchase. This allows you to feel close, safe and secure with your child while leaving your hands free to do other things.

There are quite some sling designs to choose from, but Baby Carrier Australia, one of the leading providers of baby carrier options in Australia is a good place to start looking.

Additionally, you’ll need a stroller that reclines almost flat, and a similarly friendly car seat for the outdoors. Babies shouldn’t be held upright for long until they are about three months old and their neck muscles are stronger.


A baby’s mind needs to be kept occupied between feeding and napping sessions. Things like pacifiers, infant swings, bouncy seats, swaddling blankets and nightlights should, therefore, be on your shopping list. Head on to baby stores for the best entertainment gadgets for your baby.