
Selling On Amazon? Here’s Why CRM Is A Good Add-on

The estimated $2 trillion per year ecommerce industry has few juggernauts the size of Amazon. This marketplace features millions of goods, services and retailers, all who are competing for their slice of the ecommerce pie. Competition on Amazon is abundant, with retailers from around the world all competing to earn a customer’s business. In order to stay ahead of the curve, a retailer needs some aces up their sleeve. One of these wildcards can be found with Amazon CRM software integrations. But how can such an application help you gain more customers and conversions?

Omni-Channel Integration

Selling on Amazon is great, but paying steep fees and having to follow their stringent online selling policy may not be as good for your bottom line as you’d like. With Amazon CRM, and omni-channel integration, you can learn what customers are buying across all of your sales channels. You may even be able to connect purchases from one channel to another, giving you the ability to remarket to Amazon customers and drive up you profit margins.

Making Customer Service Better

CRM is always a powerful customer service tool. With detailed contacts, order, shipping and returns history, you can take customer service to a new level. The ability to detail profiles with notes adds another layer of service that few retailers offer online these days. Customer service is one of the primary reasons people will become loyal to your brand, according to Client Heartbeat.

Getting a Real Look at Numbers

What do your actual numbers look like? We are not just talking about on Amazon, but across all of your sales channels. With CRM software for Amazon, you can get a clearer picture. That’s because it will integrate into all of your sales channels to deliver charts, graphs and reports that help you better understand what your customers are buying, what they are returning and when they are making the most purchases.

Predicting Future Sales

Knowing when to market a new item, offer a sale, what to send in a newsletter or email, and what to post on social media is incremental to your continued successes. With the right CRM solution, you can better predict future sales merely by using the data and reviewing past sales benchmarks. This gives you a one-up with marketing, and enables you to make smart moves that generate the most revenue in the long term.

Better Management of Returns

Returns are unavoidable. Knowing how to manage them is critical. Newer CRM for Amazon can automate your returns and provide insight as to why the customer made the return. You can use this powerful tool to improve customer service and to make changes to your inventory or return policy to reduce returns and improve your bottom line. This can help you profit more from sales, without worrying about returns and the backlash they can cause to your return on investment.