
Definition Of POS (Point Of Sale)

Point Of Sale or can be abbreviated POS is often used to help the business a Business or Business Owners in terms facilitate the Transaction with clientele, record stock / inventory of goods, knowing report sales and profit that we can set a good day, weekly, monthly and even annually, function another of POS included covers in terms of security in the transaction and record the stock of goods. For usage information, you can see at Intuit POS.

Definition of POS (Point Of Sale) is a method of incorporation of the device (Hardware) and (Software) that make up a system to facilitate the transaction with the customer, generally POS used in a Corporate Offices, super / mini market, Restaurant, Hotel or other businesses. Quickbooks POS having the two version Basic and Pro. In case any inquiry or questions comes into your mind you can contact Quickbooks Pos Support Number.

The development of Point of Sale at first was a cash register or commonly called the Cash Register, which is a kind of machine calculator with the cash drawer and printer proof of purchase, receipt or invoice.

Along with the development and advancement of technology, function less cash register to meet the needs of businesses that require detailed income statements, inventory, and other custom needs. some brands cash register is now also adds several features to complement consumer demand, although the use of cash register more widely used by medium-sized businesses that do not require detailed sales and inventory reports. If you got an errors or error codes which at times limit access to the software, company file, a particular feature or its part, you can call SAGE 50 Technical Support.

Point of sale is also often commonly referred to by other terms such as Cash Register, Program Cashier, Store Program, Inventory system, application stores, Retail system and the other, which is basically the same as the function of the same functions as well, namely to facilitate the cashier in terms of dealing with customer.

Currently, there are many entrepreneurs and small shops that use POS system, for ease of use and has many functions, which include:

Here is a function Point of Sale for business owners:

  1. The sales report your efforts can be found online and in real-time.
  2. Can know any inventory that still has a lot of stock or that approach runs out so you can deftly restock goods.
  3. Collect every transaction is complete and detailed so that it can add up the results of sales at that time or can be selected within a certain period.
  4. Shorten the transaction process and maintain the comfort and security of every transaction that takes place.
  5. Can use the check inventory anywhere at random. This will reduce fraud or negligence of you and the employee.
  6. You can change the sale price quickly and easily. Suppose if the goods you are selling is a normal rise and fall following foreign currency exchange rates, you do not need to replace one by one and takes a lot of time, but you can replace by category of goods.

Media Point Of Sale takes some devices, such as PC / Computer or laptop, printer cashier, cash drawer (Cash Drawer), barcode scanner, Pole display, MSR (Magnetic Stripe Reader) and Software course. there are also some PC Touch screen that is equipped with some of the above devices or so-called PC POS provide more sophistication and more practical, or a PC Monitor Touch screen is equipped with POS Software, and the price is more expensive of course.

That was the meaning of POS (Point Of Sale), may be useful for you all