
Best Weather Apps For Android

There are hundreds of weather apps out there, but only a handful of good ones. Everyone wants to know the weather condition. The huge number of weather Apps available on Google playstore, here are the best selected app that can update you with an accurate forecast.


Initially, AccuWeather is none other than the # 1 website in the field of weather forecasts. Based in America, the private service is available in many languages and continues to improve to keep its leadership.

The application itself is really well made, it is rather beautiful, it is well thought out, we easily navigate between menus and the weather is really accurate. Little more, i.e forecasts for two hours to tell you if it will rain, and if so at what intensity really convenient!

Finally, it also offers simple widgets s that allow for under the eyes all the information you desire. This is probably one of the best weather apps if not the best, it is also no coincidence that manufacturers like Samsung or HTC base their application on AccuWeather.

Weather Pro

One paid app on our top, but what application! This is MeteoGroup offered this application, and this is probably one of the more reliable if not the most reliable weather I’ve experienced. The application itself can be a little confusing at first because it is very comprehensive, as its name suggests, it is really pro. But once it has adopted over the problem, we quickly found all the information you want with extreme precision.

Little more here, sending notification in bad weather warning. But also being able to see the weather live through webcams. Recently there is a free version, but it loses optional and gaining publicity.

Yahoo Weather

We wish the best with Yahoo weather applications that exists, if the aesthetics of an application is paramount to you then you must like Yahoo Weather weather application. Of course the weather is also very reliable because it is based on Weather Underground a personal weather station network.

In addition to the weather, Yahoo offers to have a picture behind the weather in relation to the city where it is located, this photo is taken from Flickr, Yahoo’s photo sharing service.

Weather Channel

The application Weather Channel is derived from the famous cable channel that gives the weather constantly. Until a few months ago, it would not have been part of this top, because many big interface and disastrous, but for a complete overhaul and a passage to the flat design it is more enjoyable.

Of course the weather is really accurate with a forecast of 15 days with some options like map pollen for allergy or when the map of the flu for hypochondriacs. Finally, there are the chain podcasts directly within the application.


Most weather applications are linked and the same. Why not test the alternative? With Meteo60, the real-time monitoring of rainfall and weather, access to satellite maps directly on your smartphone and 10-day forecast for your area. The interface is not the most beautiful, even if it is extremely full… So why its presence in the top? Because it is a community. These are indeed enthusiasts worldwide that provides you with information, in the purest spirit of Android.

And you can participate in this effort! For this, the application includes an interactive map on which you can prevent weather incidents in progress.