
Top 5 Benefits Of A Healthcare Power Of Attorney

The most comprehensive power of attorney is called a “Healthcare Power of Attorney” which is a more distinct form of a power of attorney that includes detailed topics called “advance health care directives.”

There are many benefits to a healthcare power of attorney so let’s get right into the top 5 benefits.

  1. Freedom To Choose

A poa gives you the freedom to choose who will make all of your health care decisions should you be incapacitated to do so. That assigned person will step in and take care of all of your financial/healthcare responsibilities. So if you don’t want the courts involved, this is a good idea.

  1. No Need For A Guardian

If an incapacitated person has no power of attorney for healthcare, then a person would petition the court who will then appoint a guardian. This person will be chosen to handle and manage all of the financial and health care needs. The court will continue to monitor the incapacitated person’s condition until the person dies. The downside of this is the person’s inability to choose their own POA.

  1. Family Can Discuss Their Wishes and Desires.

When it comes to the process and creation of a power of attorney, a lot of thought and consideration needs to be included. The most important decision is who will be appointed as such poa. This also allows the parent or loved one the opportunity to go into detail with the assigned agent.

  1. A Comprehensive POA Is The Best Way To Cover Everything

As people get older, their needs change as well so the incapacitated person’s POA needs to reflect the changes. Many senior citizens worry about long term care, being able to apply for their government benefits that’ll flip the bill and choosing great care providers. If a POA isn’t chosen to perform these tasks, so much would be wasted.

  1. A Healthcare Power Of Attorney Answers All Unanswered Questions

As we have all seen and heard about, there have been numerous court battles between family over the person’s intent after becoming incapacitated. With a detailed power of attorney, together with all other health care directives, this will eliminate any and all family arguments and potential lawsuits concerning a loved one’s wishes. So having a well-drafted POA becomes excellent evidence of an incapacitated person’s final intent and wishes which makes it very hard to dispute in court.