
10 Safety Tips For Cyclists

What is it about two-wheels that just makes them so compelling? It must be the breeze we feel when we ride or the muscles we build in our legs. All in all, cycling is a brilliant experience. But like everything else, it also comes with risks. It is what it is and we can’t look away from it.

If left unchecked, cycling could pose a serious threat to your body. That is why we have assembled a list of the best tips to keep your balance and keep you safe.

  1. Wear A Helmet

You’ve probably heard this before from your parents and they’re right. If you happen to fall on your head, you could sustain major injuries from the impact. It could even pose a serious threat to your life. Do not ever take that chance. Buy yourself a helmet as soon as possible.

  1. Get A Bike That Suits You Best

When shopping for a bike, don’t just go for the one that’s already in front of you. You have to check its handling, size and ability to maneuver. Take the bike out for a test drive and see if it gets all of the aforementioned aspects right. It is crucial to choose a model that is right for your physical condition.

  1. Get A Headlight

This is necessary especially if you’re taking your cycle out at night. If a car comes out from a dark alley without being aware of your presence, it could cause a collision. Since the cycle does not have a light of its own, you have to get one for it. Purchase new LED headlights that last about ten times as long as regular lights.

  1. Know The Highway Code

In the Highway Code, you should never cross the red lights. You should also never ride on pavements unless it’s a designated cycle path.

  1. Watch Your Speed In Wet Weather

In wet weather conditions, you have to mind your speed as the surfaces can be slippery and it will take longer for you to stop. It will take you longer to make the transition, but you will be much safer.

  1. Wear Appropriate Clothing

Having people acknowledge you on a cycle comes with the kind of clothes you wear. You should wear bright or light-colored clothes during the day. At night you should wear reflective or fluorescent clothes.

  1. Plan The Route Of Your Journey

It is important that you know of the routes you take when you’re on your bike. Mark the important routes on a map or your GPS device or app. That will help you better navigate your way around the place.

  1. Do Not Carry Passengers

It may be tempting at times, but refrain from having other people ride with you. One thing you have to realize is that a bicycle is not a motorcycle. On top of that, the seat is only spacious enough for one passenger and that is you. Also, abstain from bringing animals or extra objects in the front that can obstruct your view.

  1. Ensure Other Drivers See You

Cycling on the main road is risky as bicycles typically do not have a horn of their own. Thus, other drivers won’t even see you coming right behind them, on their left, right or back side. Try to make eye contact with them so they know you’re there.

  1. Use Hand Signals

You do not have horns, lights or even an indicator, but you do have your hands. Use your hand to wave or make other signals to let drivers and other cyclists know you’re coming. If they do not see you, it would be wise to slow down.

We surely hope that we have given you enough help for your cycling needs.

Author Bio:

Ashley Jones is a Driving Instructor. She is also cycling teacher at a local institute and helps amateur cyclists learn the art of cycling on different surfaces. As a blogger, she frequently writes about Essay Topics about automobile driving, cycling, maintenance and safety. You can like or follow her on Facebook | Twitter | Google Plus.