
Photography Games For Children To Play

Seriously.  How many rounds of marble eating hippopotami can one parent take in a day? How many times can one climb a ladder or slip down a slide before that parent just can’t count another space on the board?  It’s time for a new plan, one that doesn’t involve counting squares, racing vehicles, or building something with the blocks that just got put away.

With a little bit of planning, children can learn to enjoy photography and have fun, too.  It’s an activity even your littles will enjoy doing! You’ll need some imagination and a clear head, so plan during nap times or while they are in school! Set a time limit for the activity and let them be as creative as they want!

What You’ll Need

1) Inexpensive digital cameras for each kiddo.

These can be found at many different stores, from discount shops to office supply centers. You’ll need to be able to upload photos to your computer and print them out as well, so be certain you’ve got the tools to do so.  Lists and scavenger items can be planned out ahead of  time. These can be written for your children who are readers or drawn for your littler ones, too.

2) A list of photos to take.  These are just some examples. The list is only limited by your imagination!

A) Something that is the color red.

B) Something that is the color blue.

C) A picture of (the family pet)doing something or dressed silly.No pets? Neighbors’ pets or favorite stuffed animal. Just be sure you let your neighbors in on the fun and get their okay first!

D) A flower

E) A play dough animal

F) Letters or numbers (find or make them)

G) Toes or Tongues, or silly faces

H) Veggies or Fruits

I)Hide a favorite action or story figure and let them find and photograph

3)  Tag board or individual corkboards to display their results.

When They Are Done

Let them do the work of assembly after you have printed out the photos. Set aside a place to display their work, and call it their “art gallery”, where displays change every month. At the end of that month, let them take a picture           of their display before they take it down. Be sure the date and child’s name is in the picture. Plan something fun for the gallery opening and let each photographer have time to talk about their work.

You have the option of “judging” and awarding prizes or just celebrating everyone’s work. If you do the former, perhaps they can help with the judging. However, if you do the latter option, everyone learns, everyone wins, and no one has hurt feelings.

Finally, be sure to keep each child’s photography in a separate folder on your computer. You can all look back and see how they have grown in their composition and vision for photos. Who knows? There might even be a few that will be great at the High School graduation party! Happy Snapping!

William Schoellkopf, a creative person who has worked with many photography institutes for many years. Checkout his write-up for more tips about photography.