
Money-Saving Practices For A Greener Home

With the rapid changes this planet is going through, and the consequences of our irresponsibility becoming more visible each day, sustainability should no longer be a thing of the future, but rather the present. While we wait for government’s decisions and global treaties concerning the preservation of the environment, there are things each of us can do on an individual level. Majority of these actions should be placed on our households, since they make a significant chunk of total energy consumption. The eco-friendly upgrades are not only beneficial for the planet, but also for your utility bills, so there’s no reason not to “go green”. Here are some tips on how to preserve energy at home.

Take Care of Your Windows

If your home is losing heat and energy, you should first check if you have faulty windows. To decrease your bills and keep the warmth inside your house, the windows should meet the latest energy-preserving standards. The best way to do that is to install double or triple glazed windows which offer excellent insulation, while still providing your home with sufficient light. If you have old outdated windows, and you can’t replace them within your current budget, then you should consider retrofitting, which includes installation of double panels or vinyl frames.

Insulate the Property

Windows aren’t enough to reach the optimal level of insulation, you’ll have to do something about the walls, too. If your home isn’t insulated, your home will be too cold during winter and too hot during summer. Your heating and cooling bills could easily be significantly reduced with proper insulation. Calculate the energy loss in your home and create an insulation plan on that basis. Just don’t forget to insulate the ceiling and the attic. Check for any potential air leaks around the windows and doors and seal them.

Opt for “Green” Appliances

Although it might not seem so, appliances make up a large percentage of household’s total energy costs, especially those made in the time when eco-friendliness was the last thing on people’s minds. Deciding on new devices instead of keeping the old ones which don’t only use a lot of energy, but are also in need of frequent repairs, will help you save a lot of energy. You should also check whether your house’s switchboard can handle the number of appliances being used and turn off every device you’re currently not using.

Be Smart with Lighting Choices

Did you know that lighting accounts for about 20% of global residential energy consumption? Yes, a small trinket like a lightbulb can use so much energy, and increase your energy bills. This is preventable, though. First, you need to ditch the old incandescent light bulbs, and opt for compact fluorescent models. These bulbs not only guarantee ten times longer life cycle, they can also save energy. Of course, the initial investment will be higher, but it will pay off. LED lights are an even better solution, since they offer cool and evenly dispersed illumination. Investing in smart light bulbs, can also be a lifesaver, since many of us often forget to turn off the light, before leaving the house.

Other Energy-Saving Upgrades

As the time goes by, and both manufacturers and customers become more aware of the importance of saving energy, there are more and more energy-efficient upgrades that can be used in one’s home. You can use solar and wind energy (PV panels and wind turbines), insulate the pipes, or opt for different water-saving techniques.

“Natural gas is also a fantastic, cost-effective way to heat our water and homes, and it’s far easier on the environment than electricity. However, smart homeowners know gas can be tricky. That’s why it’s important to distinguish what you can do on your own, and what belongs to an expert plumber or gas fitter”, advise Sydney’s experts for gas leaks.

There’s no more time to wait. As we’re holding on to our aged appliances, incandescent light bulbs and dated windows, this planet is wasting away and our bills are skyrocketing. If you want to change something, start in your own home. It might not seem as a big deal now, but the more people decide to make their homes energy-efficient, the brighter the future seems.