
Most Common Types Of Vaccine Injury

Like almost every other medication on the market, many of the vaccines today come with an assortment of different side effects. Unless you have some type of medical condition, many of the side effects are quite rare. When you think about all of the risks associated with getting chickenpox, mumps, the flu and any number of other diseases out there that can be prevented with a vaccination, it is far safer to go out and get a vaccination than it is to take your chances with the disease in general.

Even so, vaccines can end up causing injuries to patients. Thousands of people file a claim every year for some type of vaccine-related injury under the VICP. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of the VICP, which means that the number of people suffering from vaccine injuries every year is probably far more than what people realize. Some of the more common injuries stemming from vaccinations are outlined below:

Shoulder Injuries in Relation to Vaccination Administration

While some injuries stem from the body’s natural reaction to the ingredients in the vaccination itself, many people suffer from a shoulder injury stemming from the administration of the vaccination itself. Since many of the injuries are related to the administration of the vaccine, they are considered vaccine-agnostic. This means that these injuries can occur with any vaccination.

A shoulder injury can range from being a mild pain to complete immobility of the arm. Many of the common forms of shoulder injuries are: rotator cuff injuries, brachial neuritis and adhesive capsulitis.

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis

ADEM is a form of autoimmune disease stemming from vaccines. It often results from the vaccine to prevent measles, mumps and rubella. While it tends to be more common among children, it can occur in adults as well.

Guillain Barre Syndrome

Another form of injury from vaccines is GBS. Even though this is quite rare, it has been linked to the flu shot people get every year. Because the correlation is so strong, the Department of Health and Human Services has considered adding GBS to their vaccination injury table.

This type of autoimmune disease often has a number of dangerous symptoms. Depending on the individual’s reaction, there is a chance it could end up being fatal.


If an individual has an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients in the vaccine, it can cause anaphylaxis. While treatment is a possibility, a severe reaction can end up being life-threatening. Reactions tend to be quite quick. It isn’t uncommon for an individual to go hours before they ever experience the symptoms of anaphylaxis.

Transverse Myelitis

Transverse myelitis is a type of inflammatory response in your spinal cord linked to MMR, Hepatitis B and TD vaccines. Symptoms include:

Even though the majority of people who contract this condition can recover fully, there are some individuals who end up being left with a permanent disability from the reaction to the vaccine.

If you were injured because of a vaccine, you need to turn to a trusted lawyer for help in determining whether you are eligible to file a claim for compensation or not. Don’t ever assume that an injury from a vaccine is normal or something that you have to deal with. There are options available to help you get the compensation you deserve and aid in your recovery from your injuries.

Mark Sadaka from Sadaka Associates, the leading Hazardous Chemical Attorney, has a national practice and works with clients from New York to Alaska.