
How To Take Your Own Law Firm?

A law firm is a business like any other. Although it is clear that this, no law school has a branch in its mesh referring to administration, finance or entrepreneurship. The legal market is changing and the economic, social, political and legal reality mutates cyclically wrecking growth formulas and indicators for the analysis, it is said apologetically. However, lawyers increasingly turn to take, not in their signatures, but lawyerly in the world.

Therefore, we have decided to share with you some ideas that can help them run their businesses.

  1. If you have not been formed to develop a business, the first thing is to learn. Study on administration, marketing, etc. and also talk to lawyers who have already walked the path, learn from your mistakes and jump.
  2. Today there are more lawyers than ever in history and in less than 5 years the market will grow by 50% its offer. So, you need a value proposition that differentiates you. Find something that is innovative.
  3. Study your market, find the opportunity and build a clear product you can sell. If you think it’s a good idea to make a website with a section that says practice areas, you’re wrong. No one cares that your study civil, labor and criminal law. In addition, all studies do the same. Like I said, build a product that can sell.
  4. Once you know what your product and what sets you apart to sell it to you (what is your value proposition) defines who your customer. This is key. Segment defines you and attack him. If you still believe that the marketing of the studies depends on word of mouth, it is better than not goes and you look for a paste in a studio where you pay less and you burst working.
  5. Marketing – Channels acquisition. If you know who your customers are, it was time to define the strategy to know you. We’ve seen everything. Flyers outside of court, google, radio commercials, etc. The truth is that the campaign depends on your target audience. The key is to be creative with this and get serious.
  6. When customers start coming, define a clear strategy of service and loyalty. Poor service one can define the success or failure of your business.