
4 Best Teas For Heart Disease

High blood cholesterol is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. your  body needs good cholesterol, but it should be noted that it is divided into two categories – “good” cholesterol HDL and “bad” cholesterol or LDL. Your body needs only HDL, Fortunately there are plants that helps to fight against LDL levels. cholesterol has a role to play, to promote the production of vitamin D, essential for fixing calcium in the bone structure. Here are the best teas to lower cholesterol.

Green Tea “melt” Fat Naturally

Green tea reduces bad cholesterol levels, cholesterol is deposited in the walls of arteries.  It contains huge amount of antioxidants. US researchers who conducted experiments in the field, on thousands of participants. Scientists have discovered that green tea can help reduce a significant amount of “bad” cholesterol (LDL). In the experiment, people who consume daily green tea, It  contains catechins knowing that, antioxidants that play’s a vital role in speed up the fat burning and reduce the absorption of cholesterol. that may help protect the heart damage.

Artichoke Tea

Therapeutic plant, artichoke is an excellent detoxifier and you need to prepare a Artichoke tea,  Boil  500 ml of water and add 2 teaspoons of dried leaves. Once it reaches boiling point,  for five minutes, then It is recommended to drink half tea  in the morning and the remaining tea  you should take before lunch and dinner.   artichokes contains High levels of cyanine that helps to  lower level of “bad” cholesterol by stimulating fat removal and, moreover, helps to maintain a constant value of “good” cholesterol. this plant helps the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is recommended diet with artichokes for a period of two weeks per month.

Plantain tea prevents Fat Deposits

Plantain is one of the best remedy. This can prevent the increase of the upper limit and even more than the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.  Available in all supermarkets, It is very rich in Potassium,  Infusion from a spoon of minced plant and a cup (200 ml) of boiling water. Drink one tablespoon every two hours. you need to repeat this process for 14 days.

Hawthorn Tea

It helps to fight against cardiovascular diseases, very popular medicine in china, It is very rich in antioxidant  that help dilate the blood vessels, Control your blood sugar levels and protect blood vessels from damage.