What’s The Procedure When Making A Car Crash Claim?

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If you have been injured in a car crash, there is a procedure that you should follow to ensure that you have everything you need to make a claim in the future.

What to do at the Scene

  • Never admit liability: It can be easy to say sorry or to apologise for an accident, however you should never admit that the accident was your fault;

  • Exchange details: You should take down the other person’s licence plate number and ask for their full name and address;

  • Tell your insurer about your accident right away: Insurance companies require that you inform them about any accident immediately for your policy to remain intact;

  • If the police attend: If the police attend, they will likely ask to see your driver’s license and your insurance certificate or cover note, so always have these handy;

  • Take photographs: Taking photographs or even a video of the aftermath of a car crash can do wonders for your claim, so always have a phone or camera handy.

What’s The Procedure When Making A Car Crash Claim?

What to do After the Accident

After the accident, your insurance company will run through their own processes and do what they need to do to get you back on the road. Your contact with the other party will be minimal at most. If you have been injured in your accident, your insurance company will likely recommend to you a personal injury lawyer or law firm. However, you do not have to use the law firm recommended to you – it is your right to choose your own representation under the Insurance Companies (Legal Expenses Insurance) Regulations 1990.

National law firms specialising in car accidents, such as https://ukclaimlawyers.co.uk/car-accidents/, are the best place to start the claims process. They will offer you free legal advice and they will assign the best solicitor for the job to your case.

The Claims Process

Once you agree to go forward with a claim, your lawyer will set up an interview with you – this can be in person or over the telephone, although you will have to physically sign some documents. These can be mailed out to you. A week or so after your interview, you will have to attend a medical examination as set up by your lawyer so that the true extent of your injuries can be ascertained. This examination will also ascertain a recovery period and your prognosis for the future.

With this report to hand, your lawyer will then build your case and put forward a fair and proportionate settlement demand. Most claims can be processed in as little as 6-8 weeks if they are clear cut, and even the most complex claims can usually be processed in under six.