
4 Ways To Stay Safe On The Job

Staying safe on the job is paramount to continued employment and income. An employee can be subjected to work in an environment that presents countless opportunities for injury on a daily basis. Whether its third-degree burns from a freshly brewed coffee pot or a concussion from metal debris falling on top of your head, accidents are lurking everywhere you go. Here are four ways you can ensure your safety while at the workplace, irrespective of job position or industry.

Avoid Shortcuts

Never forego the standard safety procedures for in exchange for a faster and more convenient turnaround, no matter how experienced you are. Shortcuts can lead to workplace accident as it fails to recognize proper steps in ensuring a safe progression of each task. For example, a worker might contract a disease if he/she decides to bypass proper hand washing and gloving techniques. Shortcuts do sometimes feel like a more efficient way, yet it actually only leads to a higher probability of getting injuries.

Inspect Equipment

Every professional uses tools to achieve their job duties, from a welder using protective gear to avoid extreme temperatures, to a doctor using a stethoscope to diagnose a patient. Inspecting equipment is imperative not only to the efficient completion of your tasks but also for the safety and well-being of your coworkers, customers, and yourself. Make sure you use equipment that is maintained properly and up to code. Third-party companies like Freo Group commit to achieving best practice elements that achieve zero lost time to injuries.

Get Enough Rest

Even the most mundane work tasks can cause injury if the worker cannot fully function physically and mentally. Depriving yourself of sleep in exchange for overtime or binge watching Game of Thrones gradually diminishes your health and your ability to respond quickly to stimuli. Get enough sleep and eat a proper diet to give your body and mind the energy it needs to function.

Have a Backup Plan

When things go south, you should always have a backup plan, especially if your workplace presents a variety of safety hazards. A backup plan should consist of things you’ll need to know or do when faced with a dangerous situation. For example, know where the First Aid kit is or emergency hotlines for the fire department or local police.

Staying safe on the job means income security and, more importantly, better quality health. Avoid shortcuts, inspect your equipment and always get enough rest each day before heading into work. Implementing these suggestions into your work life by making them everyday habits will ensure both goals are met.