
Why Residential Construction Is Ripe For On-Demand Disruption

With a record year for the on-demand industry in 2015, the big prediction for 2016 is that on-demand companies will expand to new industries.  That’s happening now in residential construction.  For too long residential construction has been plagued with going over budget, not meeting deadlines and flat out losing money mostly due to lack of communication. Most contractors do not use project management software to keep their jobs in-line.  Most homeowners end up hating their contractor because they feel they were cheated.

The new on-demand startup “Project Buddy”  is the first of its kind startup planning to flip the industry on its side creating completely transparent transactions between homeowners and contractors.  “After years of consulting in the construction industry I found that almost every job had a point where the client thought that they were being cheated, it was almost always due to a simple lack of communication. Construction remodel projects are very organic and change daily. I started Project Buddy to help both Contractor and client stay up to date on a weekly basis,” explains Project Buddy Founder Robert L. Williams.  Project Buddy, from PGN Design Group, works with a cloud-based  construction software that  all  parties  have  access  to  with  their  smartphone  or  computer.  Project Buddy finally makes it easy for homeowners to follow the progress of their construction project from anywhere and makes it easy for contractors to keep their clients updated on the day-to-day progress of their projects.  It works with 5 easy steps.

  1. Upload project information to Project Buddy cloud-based software
  2. Take daily photos of the project
  3. Create a daily work log
  4. Contact all contractors, subs and architects for scheduling purposes
  5. Create an “end-of-week” report for the project

So who’s doing the actual work?  Numerous “buddies” manage jobs in the areas that they live in. They can work as much or as little as they want.  Think of it as Uber for construction companies. The site will work on weekly contracts so that there is no big commitment from homeowners or buddies.  For contractors, there’s no need to hire and train full time employees only to have the burden of their salaries on the books when it gets slow.  At the end of each week, clients have the ability to either “opt-in” if they like how the process is going or “opt-out” and see you on the next one. Project Buddy will have the ability to do one or all of their jobs. The company is poised to disrupt the residential construction industry by helping smaller companies with growth, and larger companies with quality control.  The price is $500/week for most projects, cheaper than the cost of a laborer sweeping up the site.   Project Buddy has launched in Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay area with expansion to other major cities in the U.S. later in the year.

Find out more about getting a project managed today at “Project Buddy”